73: no biggie

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"SHIT. WE KEPT YOU up all night," Elle says, glancing at the clock by her hotel bed. Roma's, already passed out next to her.

    Camila yawns. "No biggie."

    "What do you mean no biggie? You have your thing tonight."

    "I'll just take a nap during tech rehearsal or something." Camila shrugs. Seeing the look on Elle's face, she bursts out laughing. "Aren't you always not sleeping? Why are you so worried?"

    "Because it's you. You always get your eight hours."

    "Yeah, not anymore. I've managed to be such a good power-napper," Camila says smugly.

    Jeremy's slept in his own room, the one he shares with Matt. They had Italian for dinner, right after Roma came in. Camila flew into Roma's arms, even before Elle. These past days with just the three of them have left her high-strung—the constant bickering is not good for her skin.

    "Okay, I'm gonna go. You have fun with Roma." Camila gathers her things. She's hardly set foot in her dorm these days.

    "We'll come on time. Unlike last time," Elle promises.

    They're the one that usually step in half an hour after the recital has started, earning disapproving looks from the audience members.

    "I'm counting on it," Camila laughs.

    She's not one to get nervous. Instead, Camila gets exhilarated. From a young age, she's always loved performing for crowds, even though her playing was sloppy and unrefined. Camila loved showcasing every new hobby she picked up—piano just happened to stick.

    At 7AM, she goes back to her dorm and puts on a clay mask, ready for her concert.


THE HOUSE LIGHTS dim down and then it's on her. She's not big enough yet to open solo so she's in her quartet. The piano always seems to take background during music ensembles—violin always nabs spotlight. But that's fine, she just wants the experience of teamwork.

    Tonight, she has on a black floor-length dress and red lips. There's not a lot of stylistic choices she can make yet, especially not as an ensemble member. But one day, she'll get there. Camila strives to make it, even though she might not reap all the benefits.

    But something peculiar happens in the middle of her playing. Something...off. Though her fingers never cease, Camila stops thinking for a second. That warmth in her chest ebbs, and her mind turns static.

    Then as sudden as it was, the feeling fades. It's all she can think about as she heads backstage. She has another performance—this time by herself—towards the end of the set list.

    Camila would like to say that this performance mattered. She really does. But after a few weeks of prep, coming onstage feels less than it used to. But it doesn't matter, because her friends bring her flowers after it's all over.

    "Honestly, there's no action but I'd still give it a pretty good rating," Jeremy says.

    "Yeah," Elle agrees.

    Roma shakes her head and squeezes Camila tight. They've always had a sister-connection, especially since Roma's also interested in music and they approach life the all-natural way. As in, lets things go where they go if it can't be helped.

    Yet as things go, Camila could have never expected the next thing that happened.


hey guys! i hope you enjoyed this part. i think there's around 30 more parts to come? or even more, i don't really know. i have the outline but sometimes, when i start writing, i add in the tiniest irrelevant things. anyways, just wanted to ask you one question: i moved this book to teen fiction a few days ago and i was wondering whether it's more short story or teen fiction? honestly, i'm so bad at categorizing so i'll leave it up to you guys xx

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