Chapter 12 - Hospital

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Carolines pov

I wake up and look around and I see that Aiden is gone and my heart drops. Why did he leave? Maybe he left as soon as I fell asleep and went to his own bed. And I can't blame him, I mean I'm a mess... But still. Well, I'm not going to overthink everything, maybe he had something he had to do. I climb out of the bed and walk around in the house but I can't see him anywhere and there is no note or anything at all.That's weird, because Aiden always tells me in someway if he is going somewhere. What if something has happened? I think worriedly. Maybe I should call him.. But if he is in the middle of something I don't want to disturb him. I just hope he gets back soon, and that everything is alright.

I hear the door open and footsteps coming towards me and soon Aiden enters the room with an upset expression on his face. When he looks at me he starts looking sad and I can see tears on his face. I gently walk to him. "Aiden what is wrong?" "It's Allie..." he answers between sobs and I get really worried. "Allie? What happened?" "She is in the hospital... She called me this morning, and said that she felt dizzy and then the connection just broke off, so I drove to her house and found her unconsciuos on the floor so I called an ambulance and now she is at the hospital but they don't know what is wrong yet"

"Aiden. I'm so sorry. Is she awake now?" I ask as I hug him and I can feel 'that he relaxes in my grip and leans his head against my shoulder. "Yeah, she is awake, but they said that they were going to run some tests so that I should go and that they would call me when they know anything. "

"That's good that she is awake, I'm sure she is gonna be alright." I try to comfort him. "I hope so, I really hope so." He answers.

"Maybe you should get some sleep, you look exhausted, I'll wake you if the phone rings. There is nothing you can do for Allie right now anyway and you should get some rest so you can visit her later today" First it looks like Aiden is going to argue but then he just nods and I lead him to his bed where he lays down and I tuck him in. Right when I'm about to leave he grabs my arm and whispers. "Thank you Caroline. Do you promise to wake me when they call?" "I promise" I say with a reassuring smile. "Good" he mumbles before he drifts off to sleep and I step out of the room to give him some peace and quite. All that is left now is to wait... I really hope that Allie is okay.

So.. Let's hope Allie gets better soon. What do you guys think is wrong with her? Comment and vote if you like my story :)

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