Chapter 9 - I like you

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Aidens pov

While I'm in the room singing all I can look at is Caroline. I enjoy seeing her so relaxed and happy, I havent seen her like that before, but now when I see her sittong in the couch with her eyes closed and a little smile on her face, I cant help but get this bubbly feeling in my body. She is happy now, and I was somehow the one who managed to make her feel that way.

The last song ends and I walk out and go to talk to Oscar and we fix alittle more with the songs then I walk over to Caroline that has now opened her eyes but she still has that little smile on her lips. I go and sit down next to her and she turns to look at me and her smile increases.

"Hi.." she says sounding almost shy. "You're a really great singer Aiden, I kind of feel a little bad not knowing about you before.. It feels like I should've heard about you.." She says looking down at the floor.

"Oh thanks, and don't worry about it, I'm kind of glad beacuse then I know you liked me enough to trust me for being me and not because I was famous, and that means a lot to me"

She looks up a little with a small hesitant smile on her face.

"Really?" She asks.

"Yeah, really. Now lets go get something to eat and then we will start looking for schools, alright?" I say with a big grin as I'm getting up off the couch and stretching out my hand toward her to help her up.

"Okay" She says as she takes my hand and stands up

We say goodbye to Oscar and walk out, still holding hands. I feel like maybe I should let go of her hand, but I like the feeling of her hand in mine, so I'm not going to let go until she wants to.

Carolines pov

I have this happy feeling in my stomach all the way to the diner were we're going to eat, and I dont want to let go of his hand. I know I shouldn't feel like this, so happy, but I'm with Aiden I cant help it. He makes me feel happy and when I'm with him I can almost convince myself that I'm safe, almost...

As we enter the diner and sit down at a booth he lets go of my hand, and it feels kind of empty without his hand on mine.

A few hours later we walk out of the diner after having looked at many different colleges online, and I think I've found one i want to go to. It lays quite near where Aiden lives and it has this math program that sounds really fun. It's not to expensive since it's only a few classes and I have enough money saved up on my account to pay for it. We already sent amessage to the chool online saying that I recently moved here and asked If I could start classes as soon as possible. Although I think I'm gonna need to get a job soon so I can pay for my own food and someday my own apartment so I wont be a burden to Aiden. Even though I believe he would never kick me out I want to be able to make my own money. Actually I asked if they were hiring in the diner and it seems hopeful that I can get a job there.

Three weeks later

I walk ouy of the school building talking to Jessica, the one friend I've gotten here. She is really funny and kind and has this way that makes me feel comfortable in her company. It's been one week since i started going to classes and I love it here. It's an amazing school and I really like the classes. Every monday to thursday I work at the diner for a couple of hours after school and I've started saving up a little money again. Since it's friday and I don't have work  I'm planning to go right home after school after I've bought ingredients to the dinner I'm making tonight. Aiden works til kind of late tonight so I thought I could surprise him with dinner when he comes home, because I want to give him something as thanks. I know dinner is not a lot but it's still something.

Jessica and I arrive to the store and start picking out groceries for the pasta I'm making and the chocolate cake I'm making for dessert. After I'v epaid for everything we walk out and I say goodbye to Jessica and start walking home.

When I get home I pack up all stuff and start cooking.

A few hours later the food is ready, the chocolated cake is in the fridge and the table is set.

The door opens and in walk Aiden and I smile, but then I see someone behind him. A tall girl with long brown hair in waves and beautiful blue eyes and I freeze.

"Hi Caroline! I'm just going to change and then me and Allie were going out, is that okay?" Aiden shouts as he walks to his room. He haven't seen the food yet. My stomach drops and my eyes starts to tear up. Why am I acting like this. I quickly set the tables and glasses in the cabins and put the pasta in the fridge, since I dotn want Aiden to feel guilty when he sees that I've been making dinner.

"yeah sure, have fun" I say with tears in my eyes as I quickly walk out of the kitchen and down the hall to my room.

"Where did she go?" I hear Aiden ask.

"She went down that hall" the girl, Allie, answers.

"Oh okay, I'm just going to go see if she's alright" Aiden says. As I hear his footsteps coming closer I quickly wipe away my tears and sits up in my bed and grab a book. I hear the door open and in walks Aiden and he goes and sits on my bed next to me.

"Hey is everything alright? You just dissapeared" he asks with concern in his voice.

"Nope, everything's fine. You go out and have fun with Allie" I say and try giving him a smile.

"Are you sure? I can stay here if you want of you could come with us?" He asks

"No, I dont wanna ruin your date, go out, Ì'm fine"

"Date? "

"Yeah, Allie, the girl here. She is your date right?" I say as tears start falling down my face. What is wrong with me?

"She's..." He stops himself when he sees my tears and he genlty takes hsi hands and wipe away my tears and my skin burn at his touch.

"What is wrong Caroline?" Concern is evident in his voice.

"No-othing" I say between tears.

"Of course it's not nothing, you're crying! Please tell me what's wrong. Please..."

"I cant!"

"Why not?"

"Because... you're going on a date and I- I"

"You what?"

"I dont want you to, because I like you!" I say before I have time to think. What am I doing? I dont like Aiden like that do I? Yes I do.  I suddenly realise and gets really embarassed. Why did I tell him? I turn around from him and starts getting out of the bed and towards the door." Aiden just sits there, frozen. As i get out of the bed I can feel his hand around my arm and I stop, looking down.

"You like me?" He asks, voice low.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have said it, please just forget about it" I say as I try pulling my arm away but I cant

"I can't do that"

"Why not? Please Aiden..."

"I dont want to forget it. Did you mean it?" He asks and look straight at me and I know I cant lie to him.

" Yes.... I'm sorry" I whisper

"Dont be sorry Caroline, never be sorry." He says as he puts his hands on my face lifting it up toward him and he starts leaning closer and I feel my breath catch in my throat.

"But-but what about your date?"

"My... Oh you mean Allie? Allie's not my date.. Caroline she is my sister... And I was going to introduce you to her but then you just ran off..."

"Your sister? Oh.. you told me you had a sister named Allie... I feel so stupid.."

"Dont it's okay" He says and leans even closer. "And I like you too" He says just before our lips meets and my heart crashes in my chest. He's kissing me! Aiden is kissing me!!

So... finally? Comment and vote if you like my story :)

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