Chapter 11 - Chocolate cake

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Aiden's pov

"So, when did you and Caroline become a couple?" Allie asks with a smug smile on her face as we sit and talk at a club.

"We're not a couple, Allie, we just, I don't know what we are yet"

"But you like her" It wasn't a question, like usually with Allie she just states things as she sees it.

"Yeah, I do. But it's complicated" I say with a sigh. She's been through so much and I don't want to ruin anything, I think to myself.

"Oh right, her mysterious past. Why won't you tell me about that?"

"Because it's not my place to tell you about that, I've told you this before."

"I know, but I really want to know, you know how I am"

"Yeah, but I'm not going to tell you this one, sorry Al"

"No, it's fine I get it. But stop calling me Al! I sound like a guy!" She says with a mopey expression on her face and I laugh.

"Nope, can't do that Al."

"You're such an idiot!" She says but I can see that she is smiling.

"Whatever, now let's order a new drink and then let's dance"

As the taxi arrive at my place after dropping Allie off at her place, I pay the driver and then walk in.

As I reach the living room I can hear that the TV is on, is she still up? It's half past one.

I walk into the living room and find Caroline sleeping on the couch in my t-shirt I gave her and some pajama shorts.. She looks so peaceful so I don't want to wake her, instead I take a blanket lying on a chair and gently tuck her in and place a light kiss on her forehead. "Goodnight Caroline" I whisper before I walk out of the living room and into the kitchen.

I open the fridge to see if there is something I can eat and I see a big chocolate cake and a bowl with pasta, when did that get there? It looks delicious..

Caroline's pov

I wake up to someone opening the fridge and I look at the clock, it's showing 1.45, I must've fallen asleep in the couch. I stand up and walk to the kitchen where I see Aiden standing with the fridge open looking at the food I've made. He turns around when he hears me coming and a smile develops on his face.

"Oh, hi Caroline, I thought you were sleeping"

"I was but then I heard you open the fridge.. so yeah"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you" He says with a guilty look on his face.

"It's okay"

"Did you make this?" He says as he points at the food in the fridge and of course I start blushing.

"Yeah, I did"

"It looks really delicious, especially that chocolate cake! What was the reason?"

"Um nothing, I just felt like it"

"Oh okay, is it okay if I take a bite? I'm really hungry"

"No sure." I say. "I made it for you..." I whisper for myself, but I don't think he heard me.

"Thanks, do you want some?" He asks with a big and genuine smile on his face.

"Sure, I'm always up for some chocolate"

He takes out two forks and sit down at the table looking at me. " Are you coming or not?"

"Shouldn't we have any plates?" I ask.

"Why? It's easier this way, you're not afraid of my bacteria are you?"He says with a wink.

I send him a glare before I sit down, grabbing the fork and digging into the cake, as does Aiden.

"Caroline, this was a really really good cake" He says with his mouth full of cake, which makes me start laughing, and I nearly choke on my cake. I start coughing really bad and tears spring up in my face. Aiden's face turns to a concerned one and he gets up and starts hitting me on the back and after a while the piece of cake comes out. Aiden stands up and comes to sit in front of me instead. "Are you okay?" He asks with concern but I can see a smile developing on his face. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine." I say not able to stop laughing and after a while Aiden starts laughing really loud as well and we end up lying on the floor clutching our stomachs. Oh, I can't remember the last time I had this much fun without worrying about anything. It feels really good. Aiden stops laughing and instead turns to look at me with a stare so intense that my cheeks immediately start to turn red. He reaches out his hand and strokes my cheek. "I really do like your laugh" He says as he moves closer and I meet him so that our lips meet and my body sets on fire. I stretch my hands up and tangle them in his hair and he takes his other hand pressing my closer, never letting go of my cheek. As he deepens the kiss I can feel how I melt in his grip and I wish we could stay like this forever. His hand going up and down my back sending chills all the way through my body. He moves a little so he lands on top of me, not breaking the kiss. I pull him even closer and his body starts to tense a little and he moves away and gets off of me. And I get confused. Why did he move away?

I get embarrassed; turning away from him I start standing up. "I'm sorry.." I say starting to walk away when he stands up as well grabbing my arm."What are you sorry for?" "I don't know, but apparently I did something wrong.." I say and I can feel my tears starting to well up. I'm so stupid! Of course Aiden doesn't like me! He had been drinking, that's it... But what about before when he said he liked me? No, don't think about that it was probably a mistake.. I can feel his hand on my cheek wiping my tears away. "Caroline, I..." "No it's okay, you don't have to feel sorry, it's fine. We can just forget about it, you have been drinking and.." "What? I'm far from drunk, I know exactly how I feel, and I like you Caroline, I really do! Believe me on that. Please." He says with a pleading look on his face, and I can see that he is as clear as he always is, he can't been drinking that much and he says he likes me but then why..? "I just had to stop before it went too far, because I don't want to rush this, since I really like you and I want you to feel safe. Do you believe me when I say that?" He sounds really sincere, and I really want to believe him."Yes, I do." I say and that earns me a huge smile and a hug. "Thank you, Caroline. It's getting late, maybe we should go to sleep?" He says. I nod and we clean away the cake and start walking towards our rooms. We go inside my room and he tucks me into my bed and is about to leave when I grab his arm. "Aiden, could you stay here?" I can see that he is hesitating a little before nodding; taking of his clothes except from his underwear and lays down beside me, pulling me close to his chest. "Goodnight, Caroline" He whispers in my ear."Goodnight Aiden" I say as I lean my head against his chest, feeling myself starting to drift into sleep. I don't know what it is with Aiden but he just makes me feel safe, and I don't want that ever going away. I like feeling safe, and I like having Aiden close. But I know I can't get to use to it because in my previous experiences all good things comes to an end in some way. But I'm not going to think about that now. For now I'm just going to enjoy this time with Aiden for as long as I can. Who knows, how naïve it may sound, maybe this really is my chance to have a good life, my chance to feel good and safe again. At least I'm gonna try hard to believe that.

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