Law 12 : The God's Fresh Start as Students

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Vierne went down the never ending descending spiral down the basement where Yuki’s body is kept. He held a candle that only lights a few steps down.  In the darkness , you can hear his foot steps.

He was in the basement , at last. There are 5 doors that leads to countless rooms. The basement is like a maze where in you enter a room , and it leads you to 3 other doors.

“Hmmm , what is it again?” Vierne muttered to himself “Is it the door to the right?”

He entered the room and saw Yuki’s body. But it was not like the sleeping princess waiting for a kiss in a soft bed. Yuki was sitting in a throne with engraved signs, his body full of tattoos of ancient symbols. The room’s lights lit up on their own at the exact moment Vierne blew the candle’s flame.

What is it? Vierne thought This itchy feeling… I’m pretty sure the Gods didn’t do this for fun or war. Just what is it? Revenge? Desire? Or is it an undying wish?

Vierne grabbed his chest tightly .

Just how many pawns and pieces are they trying to collect before they’re satisfied?

The door clacked open and Vierne got startled. He looked back just to see the Gods staring back at him.

Kami and Lucifer went near Yuki while Vierne kept a distance. Lucifer gently tapped Yuki’s cheek.

“Such a pitiful child , isn’t he?” Then , the hand which touched Yuki absorbed all the symbols. “It’s kind of sad.”

Yuki opened his eyes. It took time before he could adjust his sight . Then he saw the Gods and Vierne. He backed away and accidentally hit his head hard on the chair.

“Agh !” Yuki cursed , rubbing his head.

“Heh~” Kami giggled “It’s nice to see you cheerful and all.”

“YOU !” Yuki pointed “Why are you here !? NO ! Rather , Where the hell am I !?”

“You’re back to your world .” Kami replied

“Back !?” Yuki shouted , unbelieving “I died ! I should have been sent to hell already !”

“It’s unfortunate , isn’t it?” Kami said , then whispered to his ear “But my children did their best to free you from sin. Lies can cover up the truth easily , after all.”

Unfortunate?  Vierne thought. Why would Kami-sama say that?

“Anyway ,” Lucifer interrupted , rather irritated. “Yuki , you should go back to school now.”

“Hah?” Yuki said “The news spread all out the school that I became a criminal. Just what made you think I can come back after all that?”

“No worries~” Kami said “We’ll be there too.”

“Take him upstairs and dress him up immediately , Vierne.” Lucifer ordered.

“Yes , Lucifer-sama.” Vierne summoned a symbol right below Yuki. It engulfed Yuki and then , he was taken upstairs in an instant. Vierne vanished along with him. The two Gods were left alone.

“Kami…” Lucifer said. “I was informed by Pierrot that we had a year or less. But to have such bad luck for it to turn into two months , instead…”

“It’s okay.” Kami smiled “It’s not like we can do anything about it anyway.”

“The fact that we have less time means we have to act fast. After guarding Yuki during school hours , we must call for Diamond’s presence immediately.”

Alice Game : Dawn of RecreationOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora