Chapter 31

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Dawn's POV:

We were tied up against something and we were in an open field. Fex was standing in the middle, with his blaster pointed at Kanan.

"Tic Toc, Tic Toc.. time is counting." He said with a grin on his face.

When his alarm went off, we all looked at each other.

"Well... looks like he doesn't care about you."

He prepared to shoot, but then...

"Don't you even dare."

"EZRA!" I yelled.

"OH... you do care..." he said towards Ezra.

"Want to fight? Let's start."

Ezra stood in his bending pose and waited till Fex did the same.

"Now, rebels, you will see how you burn a bad child."

And with that he attacked Ezra with fire. Ezra blocked it with water and attacked from the side.

"What about how you drown your enemy!"

He attacked again and Fex didn't block, which made him fly some feet away.

"Too bad your enemy knows how to swim." T

hey kept attacking each other for about 20 minutes. And Fex wasn't winning. Ezra did. He used the water to sling Fex away and rushed towards us. He froze the metal and then broke it. We were free. I hugged Ezra and that made him fall backwards, but I didn't let go.

"Don't you dare to run away, again!!!" I yelled through tears.

"I won't..." he pulled me closer.

The rest of the crew hugged Ezra too and we walked towards the Ghost. We won. At least... that's what we thought...


Before we could jump away or grab our weapons, Fex pushed a fireball towards Ezra and it hit him. Ezra screamed it out and I kept hearing his loud scream in my head.

"Ezra's injured! Get him on the Ghost!" Kanan ordered Zeb and Sabine.

Kanan, Lissyene and I grabbed our lightsabers and prepared to attack. Blue, purple and green lights showed up on the ends of our sabers.

"You shouldn't have done that." Lissyene said through gritted teeth.

"I guess I won." He answered.

"I guess you won't see tomorrow." I yelled with tears.

"We'll see." And with that he attackedus.    

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