Chapter 28

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Dawn's POV:

I explained everything to the crew and waited for their response.

"How does he comes with the thought that I wanted to say that he was useless?" Kanan said with his hands hiding his face.

"I don't know." I answered

"We have to find him." Hera said.

"But the question is... Where?" Sabine said looking at the ground.

That made me thinking... I played our conversation again in my head.... And focused on the force. And the force helped me. 5 sentences sprung out of our conversation.

"What are you thinking Dawn?" Kanan asked.

"I'm playing our conversation again... And the force grabbed 5 sentences out of it... But I don't understand..."

"What are those sentences?" Lissyene asked then.

"It's difficult to hear..."

"Then listen carefully and write them down."

I grabbed Kanan's notebook which he uses for missions and stuff. After I thought for 5 minutes I got the sentences and showed them to the crew.

"I just wanted to clear my mind here!"

"Without the Jedi!"

"The force brought me here... "

"I practice my elements now... "

"And I'm doing fine."

We stared at it until Lissyene started.

"Here...without Jedi.... because of the force.... Practicing the elements... And he's fine?"

I kept repeating Lissyene's thought in my head... Until Lissyene and I said the answer at the same time.

"Barriss and Raven!"

"Barriss???!" Ahsoka yelled.

"Yeah! Raven was Ezra's best friend and Barriss always treated Ezra like her own child. He has to be there! because Barriss doesn't use the force in the Jedi way anymore... So there are no Jedi! And Barriss trained Raven with her elements so she would train Ezra too!"

Lissyene said being happy again.

"Then what are we waiting for?! Do you know the coordinates?" Hera asked

"Of course we know!"

We gave Hera the coordinates and we entered hyperspace.

I told you we would find you Lothkitten!    

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