Chapter 1

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Ezra's POV:

It's 5 am. I'm the only one who's awake. The rest of the crew is still sleeping. I'm at the head canon now. I like to look at the stars. It reminds me of the past. I used to do this with a girl. I don't remember her name anymore. If I have to be honest, I don't want to. My life isn't an open book. Kanan asks a lot of questions about my past. I never answer them. Not that I don't trust him or something! It's just... I want to forget it.

"If you want to forget it, why do you keep thinking about it?"

Aargh... Why can't you just shut up?

"Why can't you stop thinking about it?"

I sighed. I hate that voice in my head...

"I know, but you know I'm always right!"

Not always!

"99% I'm right."

Let's say 80 perc-

Someone behind me interrupted the conversation with myself.

"What are you doing out here? Don't you need to sleep?"

It was Kanan, my leader, my master, kind of... my father.

"I can't sleep."

"Why? What's on your mind?" Kanan asked.

"Nothing. I just can't sleep."

"Why don't I believe you?"

"I don't know."

Kanan's POV:

I knew that Ezra was lying. There is something on his mind, something he doesn't want to tell us.

"So... what are you doing?" I asked, hoping he wouldn't answer with 'nothing'.

"Just... Thinking..."

"Spectre 2 to spectre 1, where are you? We need you at the center. Ahsoka and I are waiting."

"I'm coming, Hera!" I called through the com.

"Well... try to get some sleep, kid."

Ezra didn't say anything.

What is he thinking?

Ezra's POV:

I can't sleep, because when I sleep, I see it... I see it over and over again! Will this ever stop?

"Do you really want an answer on that?"

Leave me alone you stupid voice.

"I can't leave you. I am you, the real you!"

Lissyene's POV:

"You will never find him, Lissyene!"

"I will, Dawn!"

"You don't even know on which planet he is?"

"I don't need to know that!"

"He's gone okay! We will never see him again... except it."

I sighed. "No."

I ran to my room and locked the door. I grabbed the holodisk I hid under my bed. It's the only thing I have from him. Nothing more or less. Just a photo from us playing...

I will find you, no matter what!

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