Chapter 29

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Dawn's POV:

It has been 20 days since my Lothkitten left. But we're going to find him! I entered the cockpit and looked at the colors from hyperspace... It was so beautiful... Blue... Like Ezra's eyes... I miss that rat like hell... The Ghost left hyperspace and we saw Lothal.

"Home..." Lissyene mumbled.

I looked at her and gave her a lovely smile. We found a new home on the Ghost... But Lothal will always be our home. We lived there as children... we played... trained... laughed... joked... ran... grew... We lived our lives like orphans... And I'm happy that I lived it the way I did.

"Prepare for landing" Hera said.

We landed and I was the first one to get out of the Ghost. I ran towards the house and used the force to open the door. When it opened I saw that the crew was standing behind me, waiting till I went in. I entered but I couldn't believe who I found...

Kanan's POV:

I was happy that we finally found Ezra's location. I ran behind Dawn and waited till she opened the door with the force. She entered and I followed with the rest of the crew some feet behind me. We all wanted to see Ezra back. But who we saw... Wasn't the person we came for...

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