Chapter 12

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I tried to enjoy performing in the show & the amazing family I had at home, even though Daria's trial brought up so many painful memories & so often. I went to the trial as much as I could to support Demi, but she was amazing throughout it all. She broke down a little during her testimony, but, I think, it finally needed to happen, so it was kind of a relief.

About three weeks into my show, we got word that they extended it for two more weeks. Since we had to stay in L.A. for the trial, it didn't really matter to Demi. It was looking like we'd be going to Texas just a few days before Christmas & staying through New Year's. Demi & I were both going to make the twins' first holidays memorable no matter what we were dealing with or where we were. Now, the show was ending on November 3, which kept me busy during Halloween, much to Demi's dismay. No Halloween parties for me, since they were usually on Friday or Saturday night. Demi had that worked out, however, much to my dismay.

The 26th of October, Demi informed me that I was to show up at Wilmer's Halloween bash that he was throwing in Hollywood, after my show was over Saturday night. I tried to tell her I was going to be exhausted & that I didn't have a costume, but my traitor of a brother already had it worked out. We were going as Tbirds from Grease & Blanda & Demi were dressing as Pink Ladies. Something simple that didn't require too much effort.

I was tired after that show on Saturday, but Joe brought me a Starbucks so I really had no excuse, plus he was my ride. The twins were at my parents that night, so it would probably be fun, especially since Demi & I hadn't been out together since the play started. We were due. We moved our mandatory date nights to Mondays, but we really just stayed at home & chilled with the babies & ordered take out. It was funny how your priorities change as you get older & have a family. I was happier sitting at home with my wife & kids than actually going out. I liked to have fun, but if I had to choose, I would have more fun playing with my twins, Demi by my side.

The party was fun, I had to admit. Wilmer & OIivia were hanging in there, considering that they had to deal with the trial as well & both had to testify. Olivia was a witness for both sides, so it was even tougher on her. She & Demi tried to enjoy themselves at the party. Olivia & Wilmer also took the simple route with their costumes & joined our pack of Tbirds & pink ladies. We looked like dorks, if I was being honest, but I love my wife & I was doing this for her. Joe did it because he loved dressing up like someone else. And also because he is the biggest dork on the face of the planet.

Demi drove us home that night, since she drove her car & I did have a few drinks. "I have to show you the costumes I got for the twins." Demi said, while we were driving home. 

I groaned, making her give me a dirty look. I laughed. "Sorry. Are they going as thing one & thing two?" 

Demi giggled. "That would be cute, but no. Maybe next year. They're going as pumpkins."

I rolled my eyes. "Of course they are. Matching pumpkins?" I asked, leaning my head on the seat. I couldn't help but to feel incredibly sorry for my kids & all the things that their mother was going to make them suffer through & then take photos to make them cringe as an adult.

"I got two different faces on the belly so they'll look different but the same. And then they have different looking tops that are the hats. They are soooo cute." She glanced at me, a huge grin on her face. "I can't wait to see them on." Demi's face turned sad for a moment. "Oh my gosh, you're going to miss their first trick or treating."

"We'll find a trick or treating on Monday night." I assured her. 

"Who's going to have trick or treating on a Monday when it isn't Halloween?"

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