Chapter 6

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I watched Demi storm out of the studio & I was frozen. I messed up. I wasn't even sure how to fix this. I had to do some fast thinking. First, though, I needed to get her to talk to me. I headed upstairs to the kitchen. I figured Demi would be in there with her friend or the babies. I was surprised to see she wasn't. 

"Where's Demi?" I asked Marissa. 

"She ran upstairs. I think she's in your bedroom. I heard a door slam." Marissa answered, glancing at the babies over my shoulder. I turned to look at them. They stared at the toys hanging from their swings, trying desperately to grab them. Mercy's face was that of deep concentration, while Jered looked at these toys as if they were the best things in the world. I sighed. God, they were adorable. I was so in love with both of them, sometimes it made my chest ache. "What happened? Is she mad about something?" Marissa asked, interrupting the love fest for my children. 

I turned to look at her. "She's mad at me. Long story." I raised my eyebrows. 

"Was it the song?" Paul asked. Paul knew all about that song since he's the one who helped me record it & produce it & was there as my friend during that time in my relationship with Demi. 

"Yea." I answered, lowering my gaze to the floor. I looked up at Marissa after a moment. "Can you handle the twins while I go talk to Demi?" 

"Of course. You don't even have to ask." Marissa reached out to squeeze my arm. "Besides, Paul will help me if I need it." Marissa chuckled as she glanced at Paul. 

"Thank you." I smiled at her, then patted Paul's arm as I walked passed him to head upstairs.  

On my way up the stairs, my mind flooded with what I had done. I should have asked Demi about using the song. A part of me was afraid she would have said no. I knew how perfect the song was for this story. It was as if I wrote the song for the character in the play. Then the title of the play was called, 'Hear my Heart,' which was a line in the song. It was kismet. Okay, I was selfish & insensitive. I knew that as my feet felt heavy climbing the stairs. I got to our bedroom door, finding it was locked. I knocked, lightly. "Demi?" I said in a normal tone. 

I didn't hear anything. I didn't hear crying. I didn't hear her moving around in the room. I didn't hear the light tapping on her phone if she was venting to a friend in texts. I knocked again, a little harder this time. "Dem? Can you please unlock the door?" I said, sounding as sorry as I could sound through wood. I heard nothing again. I sighed. "Please, babe. I'm so sorry. Can we talk? Can you let me try to fix this?" I was a little louder, but wasn't yelling. I held onto the door frame on either side & hung my head, slightly. "Demi, please open the door." How could I get her to open this door? I didn't want to use the babies & freak her out or make her more mad at me. She knew me too well & would know if I was being tricky. Several minutes had passed & I still hadn't heard any sound. "Tell me what I can do, baby." I pleaded. 

The door swung open with no warning, making me jump. Demi stood there, holding the handle in her hand, glaring at me. "You can't do anything. You can't go back in time & undo this. You can't go back in time & talk to me before you sold this song behind my back. The one song that is truly about how you felt when I did the one thing I have regretted the most in my life. You can't fix this, Nick." She was trying not to cry, but the tears were filling her eyes as my heart hurt from the guilt. 

"Please let me try." I begged, reaching for her. 

Demi smacked my hand away from her & stomped passed me. "I don't want you to try right now. I have two babies to feed." She headed to the stairs, then disappeared, leaving me to stare after her. How the hell do I fix this? I had no idea, but I had faith that it would come to me. I sucked in my breath & headed downstairs after Demi. 

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