Chapter 11

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Nick's first week of his show, "Hear My Heart," was great career wise, but not so great on the home front. I felt horrible, but it was a part of our life now. Opening night was great & the play got awesome reviews as well as the cast. It was going to be a big hit, I was pretty sure about that. I knew Nick was going to be working hard over the next month & I knew I wouldn't get to see him as much, but it was only for four weeks. 

The play started at 7 for the evening shows & on the two day shows, there was a show at 2, then at 7:30. Nick had to be at the theater at least an hour before showtime, but Nick was very serious about his career, so he made sure to aim for two hours, especially since there were sometimes fans outside wanting to meet him or the other cast members. So on two show days, he'd leave the house by 10:30 in the morning & then the one show days he left the house by 4:30. Him & Joe usually rode together, taking turns driving. The actual show itself is two hours & fifteen minutes long with a fifteen minute intermission.  

I went to opening night, but then I didn't plan on going to very many other shows. That first night, we had the party afterward, so we didn't get home until almost 2 a.m. A few of my girlfriends had come over to watch the twins. I loved the show & even though, I hated hearing all the comments about the chemistry between Nick & Sam, I still thought they were amazing. They did have serious chemistry, but I remembered that chemistry when I watched them in Les Mis together. I remembered watching them together when they dated & they had a connection. It was evident. Their connection was still strong & evident to this day, but now their connection & chemistry was more platonic. I knew that when I saw them together when they weren't onstage. I saw how much Sam was in love with her fiance, so I didn't worry. When I watched them onstage that first night, I felt a pang of jealousy for a moment, then they transformed into their characters the more I watched. By the end of the show, I forgot that that was my husband onstage & that Sam was his ex lover. I was so proud of Nick. I saw a Tony award in his future if this show went to Broadway. 

I was even okay when I heard 'Break the Silence,' in the show. Nick was right. It fit the show perfectly & he had changed it just enough to sound a little different. Nick didn't sing it, actually Sam sang it & it was totally different hearing a woman sing it. And now when I did hear the song, I remembered the beautiful moment of hearing Mercy laugh for the first time. 

After that first night, Nick was usually home closer to midnight. I was usually in bed, sometimes waking up when I felt him climb in beside me. He always kissed me on my cheek, gently, usually making me wake up a little or a lot, depending on how deep I was sleeping.  

Friday night, that first week, Nick went out with the cast & crew for a little bit after the show. I was at home waiting, patiently, for Nick to get home because both twins were fighting sleep & taking turns crying at the top of their lungs. We had been pretty lucky so far, having had neither twin be too difficult thus far. They cried a lot as newborns, but it was tolerable. Now I was getting a little frustrated with both of them. Neither would quiet when I tried the singing or played music, which usually worked. I figured it was their teeth, since I was warned by friends & doctors about the teething pain. Jered was screaming in his crib, while I tried to get Mercy to stop screaming. I was bouncing her as I paced the room, shushing in her ear. 

"Oh my gosh, what is wrong with them?" I heard Nick's voice & I sighed with relief. 

"Thank God, you're home. Can you get Jerry?" I asked in a panic. 

Nick picked Jered up & started bouncing him, too. "What is wrong with them?" Nick's eyes were wide with confusion & concern as he asked that question again. 

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