chapter 16

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  Be dave===>

These air vents were full of dust it was almost  sufficating you.  You trotted  around best you could while your new born sneezing fits.  You   got  to a split in the system you did not know what way to go so you  went left   in hopes of finding  dirk.

Be dirk===>

The light blinded you for a moment  but when  they adjusted  you say jake his hair was wet and he had a few new scars on his chest but it was him. You were frozen in shock and happiness.

" hey there little guy are you who  im looking for or no i can't tell all i smell on you  is me" he said   petting you softly  under your chin.  You  let out a noise of happiness  as you jump on him.  You nuzzled into his neck making  noises as you   wiggles around im his hold  trying to just love him. Jake laughed a bit holding you best he could.

"Is that a yes?" Jake asked kissing your head. You were so excited  you forgot that shifting  was a thing. You did shift  and became a front backpack onto him  nuzzling  into his neck.

Jake  smiled hugging  you
"  hey babe" he said softly

You bit his  neck hard  as you started to cry.

" why did you not come back!" You said sniffling

" oh dirk.."  Jake said sighing before he set you down
" after the fight with the alpha i brought  the people  back here to our original home but it was a complete mess and the people  needed help they have not eaten real food so i had to get them some. Without  hunting i have an old friend who runs a meat packing industry so i asked if she could do the monthly supply she used to do for years  and she said yes but everything  still needed to be rebuilt or cleaned i wanted to come get  you but everything had my hands  tied"  you said cleaning his tears

"  i felt so empty" dirk added

" i know   i know me too but your here now  and so re the others  so we're fine " he said kissing  you. You did kiss back and that fueled him up to just keep kissing.

Be dave===>

You ran around   confused  and lost for what felt like an hour.  You had no idea where you were.    A left. A right. It all looked the same then an orange  smell started  to drift  from the right.  You  flew  down  the right vent. You soon started  to pick up yelling.

"  oh god their hurting him" you said    running faster the orange smell getting  stronger with the yelling.  You found tge source looking throw  the vent... you wanted to did.... you really  wanted least  he is finally happy.....really happy.....

You  just walked  away  trying to get that image out your mind. Then a diffrent voice rang out it was john! You    ran his direction   looking through  to vent. You see john on the floor with lots of puppies attacking him!     You rammed onto the vent pushing  though  falling onto the floor with a thud and a whimper.

John and the puppies stopped  looking at you.

" daavveee" john said  coming  over in human  form picking  you up hugging you

" john? Are you okay?" You said.     Shifting hugging him.

" yeah  i am some wolves  found me and said  i looked like Jake  then im here playing  with the cutest kids".  Pointed over to the puppies who had shifted to show a small boy and 2 small girls. They were adorable.

" i thought you were being attacked....long day"

" oh but i was attacked " john said snickering

" kids get him" john said smirking

You were confused  but the kids shifted back into puppies and attacked  you with small cute bites and licks.

You laughed a bit starting to play with them.  You were all safe and loved  dirk ws busy ..being fucked...  and well  john was with you.

Once the kids were tired out   you looked at john.

" what".  John said

".  Just watching  your beauty " you said pulling him over kissing his lips

John blushed badly snuggling

"  thank dirk safe?" John asked

" yeah..he found  jake...they having fun on their own" you said pulling him up on your lap

" ew" john said

".  Not ew i will do that to you one day" you said

".  One day".  John saif

" one day" you finished  kissing his head.

( the end it was a kinda bad ending i wanted a happy  ending and its 4/13 so wanted to get out a update)

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