chapter 13

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Be dirk====>

You are a big mess. Jake had yet to come home. Its been about a month now his scent that keeps you calm at night is faded and cold. Everytime you try and go and look for him you cant find the cave you were in. Dave only new how to get there cuz jake took him. No wolf has come to bother you all. Your just a mess you took on a few more pounds from stress eating. Thats basically all you do eat, sleep , cry, eat, sleep and repeat.

When john goes to sleep dave goes out and tries to remember where jake took him but he always ends up in town.

" hey.." daves voice broke you out of your thoughts

" yeah?" You sit up a bit fast hoping he has news of Jake

" johns asleep now since um....since it would do you good to get off the couch and go outside why dont you come with me" dave said making you kinda sad.

"...i dont think i want to" you said softly laying back down

" im not letting you say no ..... i found an area that smell of wolves it was dark so i didn't wanna explore it so i wanted to take you out" he said making you jump off the couch.

"WHAT WHY DIDN'T YOU GO LOOK?" you said running out the door jumping shifting into fox form. Dave followed behind you .

You ran far enough that the house was small before you fell over out of breath

" you have really let youself go" dave said standing next to you

" shut up ass" you mumbled taking a break

"Where is this trail anyway? " you asked laying there

" a bit more up" he said softly.

" okay then lets get going" you said standing before Dave took off again.

You followed him for longer then a little while. You ran so much your breathing was heaving and your paws hurt.

"dave dave stop stop" you said flopping down. Dave stopped looking at you

" where is this place" you asked huffing

Dave remained quiet

" ...there is no fucking trail is there " you said looking at him angry. When dave didn't answet you know jhe lied to you.

" ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS DAVE HOW DARE YOU" you yelled getting up on your throb

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