chapter 8

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(3 week time skip )

Be Jake===>

John has told you about the smell of wolves on the land but you didn't seem to mind all to much since it was a long ways away from the house. You were a bit more focused on the masterpiece you did in 3 weeks! Yes you may have had help from a few humans but it is beautiful none the less. You hope Dirk and Dave will like it. Speaking of them Dirk has been oddly distant from you in your 15 minutes visits before you go back to work.

"I will go get the chaps and see how they like it here" you said to yourself running back to the house. You run inside with a smile to find Dirk sitting on the couch face first in Your laptop.

" you haven't taken your eyes off of that screen. are you okay?" You asked dirk.

" is a NALU moment going on here" he said like it was the biggest thing in the world.

" fairypales?" You said walking over.

Dirk paused the small anime video

" um its fairytails" dirk corrected you.

" right right where is your brother I have something to show you both its important" you said making Dirk whine. Dave came out of the room looking annoyed.

"You called Dirk?" Dave said rubbing his eyes.

" Jake needs us" Dirk said standing. You quickly blindfold Dirk making him jump. You quickly do the same to Dave. You have john direct Dave as you lead them to the small cabin.

"Sooo I have been busy really busy with something " you said to the 3 of them.

" what was it?" Dirk asked making you smirk.

" your gonna have to wait on that" you said laughing at his expression.

You walk him to the small place by the lake where you built the cabin.

John was speechless as you slowly  took of Dave and Dirk  blind fold off

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

John was speechless as you slowly took of Dave and Dirk blind fold off.

They to fell speechless in the site of this beautiful home.

" Jake are humans moving in?" John asked worried.

" no i built this place " you said making john calm down.

" its very nice but why would you build this?? You have a home" Dirk said looking at you.

" i know but you didn't so now you do. Dirk and Dave welcome to your very own home!" You said happily with a smile. Dave was in shock still as Dirk looked at you speechless. His jaw was hanging open till tears feel from his eyes as he started to cry.

" oh no! Did I do something bad!" You have a mini panic attack as Dirk shakes his head calming you.

" its just... no one has ever done something so nice for us! Thank you Jake really thank you" Dirk said hugging you breaking down in tears.

You let out a small smile as you hug him.

" lets go look inside" you say pulling them inside. You were able to get a small couch and some furniture because some humans owed you a favor.

The home had a small TV in front of the couch where a small table sat.

In the kitchen where the dinner table sat with a stove. The fridge in the corner fittings the rooms perfectly. The two bedrooms where two full sized bed were pushed up on against the wall. The bathroom was a bit plain but you could only do so much in three weeks.

" its much Jake" Dirk said looking around.

"Its for you its not done but I just wanted to show you so lets go so I can make dinner" you said kissing Dirk head. Something told you to kiss his head so you did it making Dirk blush.

"Me and Dave are gonna go run around okay!" John said pushing Dave out the door.

" be careful please! " you yelled out picking Dirk up who let out a yelp.

You walked him back to the main home before you set him down.

" steak sound good?" You asked looking at Dirk.

" um whatever. okay" he said looking down.

You nod going into the kitchen to prepare 3 steaks and vegetable stew.

30 minutes pass when Dirk came and hugged you from behind.

" its not done yet silly" you said looking at him.

He was a few inches shorter then you were.

".....Jake..." he said hugging you a bit tighter.

You turn in his hold to look down at him with a smile.

" you know " you were in the middle of saying when Dirk pulled you down into a kiss. Your ears flatten as you kissed him back with dominance.

It felt like minutes passed as you kissed him.

"Your my mate " you said picking him up to move him on the counter. You started to bite at his neck as the door flew open make Dirk jump so much he slipped off the counter.

The smell of blood filled the room as john cam running in.

"JAKE JAKE JAKE FIX HIM PLEASE THERE WERE WOLVES LIKE 3 HE TRIED TO PROTECT ME AND HE GOT HURT PLEASE!" John yelled holding a naked, bleeding, unconscious Dave on his back. You ran over taking him away from John. You ran into the bathroom to assess the damage.

Be Dirk ===>

It's been 30 minutes. You were pacing outside the door of the bathroom waiting. John was in a ball crying his eyes out about how it was his fault.

Just as you were gonna tell him to shut up so you can think about revenge in peace the door opens.

Jake steps out blood spots on his clothing.

" he is fine just some bad bite marks he may or may not have a fractured arm" he said making you calm.

"How do you know all this stuff"? You asked him.

" I know all this stuff because my grandmother was a healer or what we called the doctor's on the pack before she was killed" he said going back into pick up Dave.

" um I will be walking him to the guest room " Jake said moving past you taking Dave to the bed in the room.

"....Jake.....the wolves. ...they are outside. ..." John said shaking.

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