chapter 15

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Be dirk===>

   You were incomplete  panic. You ran around the room  making panicked  fox sounds. What have you done you probably  got dave and you killed. Jake is probably  dead . Oh god what  about john he is gonna die alone. You thought running around  just fucking panicked.  You ran around the room for about an hour  till your body gave out on you.

You were running   when it happened  so you collapsed and fell.  Your adrenaline  had stopped and the pain you felt before you and dave came here came back. 

You were hungry and weak. Your body thin. Your throat  dry. You closed your eyes for a moment  but accidentally fell asleep.
The sound of the door opening  startled  you awake. It was the man who put you here. He set down a bowl of  cooked meat chunks and a bowl of water before he closed the door again.

Your stomach  rumbled at the smell of the meat. So you got up  ignoring  the pain in your paws  going over.  You lap up some of the cold water till your throat wasn't  dry. Then you processed  to eat the bowl of meat. It didn't  have any flavor  so  you figured it wasn't  cooked with care but food was food.  Your days living with  jake who  seasoned  everything  to make everything  taste like  heaven  made you forget  how plain  meat was.

You ate as much as you can without  throwing  any back up. 

Once you finished eating, your legs started to get shaky.  They wanted to give out on you.  You tried to get  back to where you were but your legs gave out on you as soon as you took a step.

The Not eating or moving  off the couch  for awhile then all of  sudden  starting to run and burn energy  you didn't  have was coming to bite you in the ass.   You passed the fuck out of the  floor your body lightly  shaking in pain.

Be dave===>

Some guy came to feed you but you bit him. He got angry at you so he took the food.   You didn't care you were not hungry.   You slip back under the bed where there was a vent cover. You went back trying to remove  it with  your nails and teeth. 

All you needed to do was pop it open. You claw i bit more to hear the wonderful  click as the vent cover popped  off.   Hahahah   no room can hold you. You're  a fox after all you were know to be sneaky and craft. You slip into the vent trotting  your  way    around.

"Now to find dirk"

Be dirk===>

You woke up in the bed. You were very confused     on how you got here.
The bed had an alpha  scent on it but it wasn't  over powering. It was calming.  You  barely  even noticed  the bathroom  door was closed and the shower was running.   You start to smell the covers even  more loving the smell. You let out sounds of excitement from the smell.
You started to run back and for under the covers   loving the  smell.

" i see  you're having fun"  a familiar  voice said making you freeze.  You didn't  wanna move. Your legs were  frozen. 

The sounds of feet    thumping came over to you. Your heart picked up. The covers  were lifted off of you.

Be john===>

You ran around  the house crying. They were gone! Where were they!  They haven't been home  all day! It was scaring  you. It was night fall and  jake never let you out at night nor your father but what if they need your help? What if they were being hurt and needed help?

Fuck it. You were so worried. Your grabbed a flashlight and your shoes before you left the safety  of your home.   You sniffled the air a bit hoping to get a trace. You did for a moment  but the wind  blew  making you lose it  but you start to head off in the direction  it once was.

Holy fuck was it dark.  With the flashlight  you only were able to see so much in front  of you but  everything  else was  darkness. It was seriously  scaring  you.  You sniff the air again the scent of wolf surrounding you.

You froze. If you were a bunny right now pellets  would be on the ground.

You turned to look in a direction  seeing a black wolf  and his eyes glinting.    Your heart picked  up as you  spun around  to see another wolf.    There were about 6  circling  you.    Your eyes well  in tears.  Just when things couldn't  get worse there  was growling  from behind you.

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