chapter 12

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be Dirk ====>

 your cage you shared with john was picked up. you were both thrown to the back as the man walked.  you heard many different noises till the cover was taken off the cage.  to show many different people . men, women,  children. they were all dirty and looked scared and hungry. 

" AHAAHA the boss man has grown tired and well he has a treat for you all! this fox is the mate of JAKE ENGLISH " this man said. some of the people gasped and looked worried

" THE alpha that was supposed to save you has left his mate and family member to die he is NO alpha"  the man yelled out making some people in the crowd flinch.

" so you all get to have some grub " he said with a laugh lighting a   fire in the big fire pit. your heart started to race as john was shaking. 

" I don't wanna die yet no no no no no no no" john said starting to panic.

"sh sh sh john we won't it will be fine trust me please" you said trying to calm him. you couldn't promise that. you didn't wanna believe it but jake did leave you to die. your heart hurts at the thought. you thought you found someone but they just turned out to be another wolf and they call you untrustworthy.

" now-now jay don't get too excited. I know you like fire but you need to hand that over in my right" the boss man. you hear this jay guy mumble before he threw your cage over to the boss man. the boss man or alpha as he wants to be called looked down at the both of you. john let out a whimper so you curled around him letting out a growl. 

"hey stop that'' the alpha said shaking the cage hard making you and john  bounce around the cage like a bunch of balls.  

" how does it feel? to have your family and mate  leave you to die? " the alpha said making you whimper. it made you wanna cry. 

" shut up jake wouldn't do that! " john said now a ball of angry fluff.

" oh does the bunny have something to say, "  the alpha said with a smirk. john jolted and curls back into you to hide.

" now-now I asked you  a question, " the alpha said lighting shaking the cage. john remained quiet making the alpha angry. he walked tot eh fire pit holding the cage over. you yelp when the cage started to heat up. 

" maybe I should leave you in here to cook nice and slow .....or should I take you out run and  cook you alive," the alpha said as you  pick john you so he didn't get burned. you jumped around the cage trying to find the least hot section as it burned your paws. you let out many cries of pain. the cage had 4 pure metal walls with only one hole for air. just when the cage got to the point of burning you the cage was thrown to the floor sending you to the side.  you couldn't see much  throw the small hole but you heard fighting and growling.   you tried to smell who was there but all you could smell were multiple wolves and a fox. you let out a whine trying to get attention. the cage was picked up  you heard someone yell "go!" then the person with the cage took off. they tried to keep the cage steady as he ran. you were more confused than scared. you smell the air more when the person stops  the air was a mix of Jake's, dave,johns and your own. you grew excited. you WERE HOME!! the cage was pride open to show dave. 

" DAVVVEE," you and john said  tackling him. you were so happy to see him and that he was okay.  you pull away looking for jake but he wasn't there. 

" where is jake''?you asked looking around happy 

"...he told me to get you safe... he is still there...I'm sorry " dave said making you worry

" what! NO NO NO WE HAVE TO GO BACK" you said  jumping  to the floor to fall your paws were burned and bleeding. you let out a whimper. 

" Dirk..he said he would be back....we took 3 days to find you. the alpha relocated the living space to a cave....he said he would be back...please let me see your feet and hands and trust us okay? he will be back" dave said  coming over you slowly change. he got stuff to wrap your hands. he got you and john food to eat along with clean water. 

"he better come home safe," you said looking at your food. 

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