Sudden Darkness

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The Queen stood at the edge of her balcony and stared off into the distance. She could see from her balcony the setting sun, and she watched as its rays shone over the battlefield. The Queen had never realized how truly beautiful the sunset was until now. Maybe it was her realization that she might not make it through the night, or maybe she was just starting to see things differently. The Queen thought of Emma, and how moments before the Queen had been wounded, their eyes met.

There was something in Emma's eyes, something that the Regina could not decipher, it was beautiful and pure, almost as if it were... Love.

Love? The Queen shook her head, no, It wasn't love. It couldn't be, who could ever love someone so evil,so treacherous,someone like her.

The Queen was ripped from her thoughts as a loud noise came from the other side of her bedroom door. The Queen had no doubt who was on the other side. "I know you're in there your majesty!" Came Killian's voice from the other side of the door.

The Queen didn't make a sound, as she listened to Killian slam into the door. "Open this door you coward!" She heard Killian yell angrily. The Queen didn't budge. Killian continued, "Open this door, or Emma dies and her blood will be on your hands!" The Queen felt her heart drop, as she heard Emma cry out on the other side of the door.

And without further hesitation, she quickly flew to the door, and began breaking down her barricade.

In that moment, the Queen forgot about her wound, and how weak she had become. All she could think about was Emma, and how she couldn't let Killian hurt her. The Queen groaned in pain, as she pushed aside the furniture that had been in front of the door. And with a shaky hand she slowly opened the door.

The Queen's heart flipped in her chest, when she opened the door, and saw Killian holding Emma with his sword against her throat. "Well well, It appears the so called Evil Queen does have a weakness." He mused, as he threw Emma to the ground and lunged in the Queen's direction with his sword.

The Queen side stepped him, as she had done before, and as he brought his sword down, she blocked his attack with her own. "Did you really think you could keep her?" Killian asked as he swung at the Queen once more.

"Did you really think she could love a monster like you?" He continued, as he delivered a strong blow with his sword, knocking the Queen to the floor.

"Killian please, No!" Emma cries out as she runs into the room. The Prince smiles, as the Queen slowly backs away towards her balcony.

Emma attacks Killian, and wrestles with him, but the Prince is stronger and easily conquers her. He slowly continues his path towards the Queen. "I bet you wish you would have killed me when you had the chance don't you Regina?" Killian asks in a mocking tone, as he backs her against the rail of her balcony. "What's the matter your majesty? No more magic to hide behind?" He asks as he brings his sword down, and sticks the Queen once more in her side.

Killian smiles as he watches the Queen crumple to the ground weakly. "Say Hello to Hans for me." He whispers as he prepares to finish her off. But before he can do so, something strikes him from behind.

Killian turns to see Emma standing behind him holding a sword, that she had found in the Queen's room. The prince chuckles as he raises his sword and fights against the Princess. Regina watches as the two fight, and she can't help but admire Emma's swordsmanship.

But suddenly things take a turn for the worst and before Emma realizes it,she has lost her sword and Killian has her on the ground, his hand raised as he prepares to kill her. Emma closes her eyes, as she waits for the blow to come, she feels the wind of his sword as it barrels down, but the impact never comes.

Emma opens her eyes, and sees Regina in front of her, with the prince's sword buried inside her. She watches as the Queen stumbles backwards and falls. Emma's vision begins to blur, as her hands begin to radiate with heat.

"No!" She cries out, as a stream of white energy shoots from her hands and crashes into Killian, sending him flying backwards. She watches as he topples over the balcony and lands on the ground with a loud thud, before rushing to the Queen's side.Emma notices the small puddle of blood that has formed underneath the Queen.

"Regina." She says softly as she gently caresses the Queen's cheek. "Emma," Regina whispers. "Y, you came back." She states as her breathing becomes labored. "Of course." Emma replies, as she sweetly brushes a strand a hair from Regina's cheek. "Tell your parents that I'm sorry." The Queen says, as her vision starts to blur. She looks into Emma's emerald eyes,and whispers "Emma, I love- ". But Everything goes black, before she has a chance to finish.

Emma doesn't realize it, but she is crying as she clutches the Queen's body close. "I love you too," she cries.

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