All things come at a price

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        That night,Emma couldn't sleep. Her mind kept rewinding to the Queens guards dragging Killian away. "He'll be put to death." The Queen's voice echoed in the princesses mind like the voice of death itself. The princess sat up in her bed, she had to do something to save Killian. She quickly got up and made her way to the Queen's bed chambers. Before she could knock,the door flew open to reveal a very plain looking Regina. "What do you want?" She asked. Emma stood there stunned. "I uh, Killian?" Was all she could manage to say. The Queen shook her head and stepped aside,so that the princess could come in.
      "I will not spare his life, he certainly wasn't going to spare mine." Said the Queen as she gazed at herself in her mirror."This is a war princess, do not forget that." She continued. "Please your majesty...". Pleaded Emma. Regina slowly walked over to the princess with a smirk plastered on her lips. "And What will you give me in return?" She asked. "Whatever you want." Answered Emma, hesitantly. Before Emma could respond the Queen pressed her lips against hers in a heated kiss.
       "You really should choose your words more carefully". The Queen whispered after they had finished. "If I let Killian go, you stay. And the war will continue...understood?" Asked the Queen with an icy glare. Emma nodded still dazed from the Queen's assault on her lips. "I thought you weren't going to spare him?" Emma asked. "Allowing him to witness the destruction of his kingdom, is a punishment worse than death. It will reveal just how much of a coward he is." The Queen explained.
Emma was silent as the Queen called one of her guards into the room. "Release the prince, oh and don't be afraid to ruff him up a bit while you're at it." She commanded with a crooked grin. The Queen watched as the guard nodded and turned to walk away. Emma smiled at the Queen. "There is no reason to smile, just because I let him go, doesn't mean I won't kill him the next time we meet." She said. The princess nodded, "Thank you your majesty". She said. The Queen shook her head and slowly whispered, "Don't thank me, I didn't do it for you,now get out of my room!" She commanded.
The princess quickly left the room, and walked back to her own. As she sat on the edge of her bed, she heard a faint tapping noise at her window. She went to it, and noticed a small white bird outside of it. With a closer look she realized that the bird had a small scroll of paper tied to it's leg. She untied the paper and unraveled it to see what it said. It was a note from Snow White, and it read:

"Dear Emma, I hope this note reaches you. Killian informed us that The Evil Queen has taken you as her captive, but don't worry, you won't be her prisoner for long. It's time her tyrannical reign comes to an end. Be brave my daughter,

Snow White".

      Emma quickly wrote a response and sent the bird on it's way, hoping that her note quickly reached her mother. Emma laid in her bed, and thought about her last few days with The Evil Queen,and how she has let Killian go,despite his attempt to kill her .It seemed to her that maybe the so called "Evil Queen", wasn't as Evil as she pretended to be. But this was a war,and the princess could not take that chance.
~Later that night~
Snow stared out the window,as Charming rambled on about nothing. A smile spread across her lips as she noticed her bird flying towards her. She held out her hand so that the bird could land and quickly grabbed the message. After reading it's contents,she turned to her husband. "Killian will be here soon, ready the troops for when he gets here,we attack tonight. It's time we get our daughter back". She said with as she clutched the piece of paper tightly.

As the night progressed, Emma once again found herself not able to sleep. And so for the second time that night, she made her way to the Queen's chambers. This time the door was open. Emma hesitated before slowly making her way into the room. When she entered she found the Queen out on her balcony. "Your majesty?" Emma said. Regina turned and looked at the blonde, "I thought I told you to get out of my room?" She asked. Emma nodded, "You did,but I couldn't sleep." She replied, as she joined the Queen on her balcony. The Queen was silent as she stared up at the star-filled sky. Emma on the other hand could not tear her eyes away from the alluring brunette. "Beautiful aren't they"? The Queen asked. "Yes your majesty you are." Replied Emma. The Queen lifted an eyebrow quizzically at the blonde, who suddenly realized what she had said. The Queen chuckled as a deep shade of red graced the blonde's pale cheeks. 

Emma could have sworn the Queen had the sexiest chuckle she had ever  heard. "So it's obvious I couldn't sleep, but why are you awake?" She  asked. Suddenly the small smile faded from Regina's lips and was replaced by a small frown. "Nightmares." She whispered. "You know what makes nightmares better?" Asked Emma. The Queen gracefully shook her head no. Emma smirked, "A teddy bear." The princess answered, which caused the Queen to laugh again. "Does it look like I have teddy bears lying around my castle princess?" She asked. This time it was Emma who shook her head No. "I can be your teddy bear, if you like." Emma whispered very quietly, not sure if she had even said the words.
     The Queen looked at the princess with yet another expression that Emma could not read. "You do realize that we're at war...right? Why do you offer to help me, when I'll do nothing but hurt you?" She asked skeptically. "Because you didn't kill Killian when you had the chance." replied Emma.
The Queen stared a little while longer before replying,"You can stay,but only for tonight". She said as she made her way over to her rather massive bed,with the blonde following closely behind.
    Regina watched as Emma climbed in beside her,and slowly laid down. The Queen smiled a little as she realized this was the first time in a long time that anyone had laid next to her. "You know, i don't think your as evil as you pretend to be". Whispered Emma. The Queen raised an eyebrow, "No, I'm much, much worse". Replied the Queen with a dark glint in her eyes. "No, I don't think so, you've taken me captive,yet I'm not treated like one,and Killian should be dead and yet he's not". Emma explained.
   Regina quirked an eyebrow, "If you prefer the dungeon,I can accommodate you, and as for your prince, I told you, he's dead the next time we meet,do not misunderstand princess,I am nothing but Evil." She said plainly. Emma watched the Queen carefully,as she spoke ,and it occurred to Emma,that although she said it, it didn't seem that the Queen truly believed what she was saying. But before Emma could reply, a guard burst through the Queen's bed chambers.
   The Guard was out of breath,but still managed to get his message across. "Snow and Charming...castle...attack." He gasped. No sooner had he said the words a loud noise could be heard outside the castle. Regina shot up from her bed,and peered out the window to see Snow's army attempting to burst through the doors. They were led by Snow and none other than Prince Killian himself.
    Regina turned to Emma who gave the Queen a strange look. "You did this." The Queen hissed angrily, before a sick grin spread across her cold expression. "Now,you'll see just how evil I can be". She whispered as she engulfed herself in her familiar thick  cloud of purple magic,leaving the princess alone in her bed chambers.
    Emma ran to the doors,but of course they were locked. She went over to the Queens window,where all she could do was watch helplessly,as a war was fought just outside the castle walls.

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