A Deal

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The next morning , Snow watched from her castle window, as Killian assembled a few men together,and headed off on horseback deep into the enchanted forest. "Where are we headed sir?" asked one of the prince's guards. "We're going to find the Dark One".The prince answered. "Th,The Dark one? Sire he's capable of terrible things." The Guard said,as his eyes became wide with fear. " So is the bloody Queen!" shouted the prince. "It takes a monster to destroy a monster!" He said,as he rode ahead of his men,deeper into the forest. After many hours of riding had passed,they came to a dark castle.
The prince climbed off his horse,and slowly made his way to the door,but before he could get there,a strange man appeared before them. His skin was rough, his hair curly and he wore a red vest. "And to what do I owe this pleasure?" The man asked in a comical voice as he bowed slowly.
"I seek the help of the Dark One." Answered Killian,as he slowly walked towards the strange man. The man smiled, "Rumplestiltskin,at your service...your highness." He said as he gave a slight bow. The prince closely examined the man before speaking."I seek to destroy a treacherous monster," he started. "She has killed my brother,seeks to destroy my kingdom,and has stolen what is rightfully mine." He finished as he slowly slicked his dark hair back.
"You mean her majesty,the Queen?" Asked Rumplestiltskin, as he imitated a regal voice. Killian nodded. The Dark one got closer to the prince, "Tell me, why should I help you destroy my best creation?" He asked. "Because your creation is a monster." The prince replied bluntly. "And what," asked Rumple. "Will you give me in return?" The prince thought for a while. " I'll give you whatever you desire." Killian answered. The Dark one grinned impishly, "Indeed you will."He replied in a sinister tone as he pulled out a contract for the prince to sign.
After the prince had signed the contract, Rumplestiltskin produced a long silver sword, that glistened as he handed it to the prince. "A sword?" Asked Killian. "Not just any sword dearie, Nick the Queen once with this, and her magic is gone,but be warned,all magic comes with a price." Said Rumple, as Killian closely examined the sword. "And what is your price?" Asked the prince. "You'll find out soon enough, the real question is, do we have a deal?" Rumple asked, a devious grin spread across his face.
Killian nodded, and quickly mounted his horse, and with one final glance back at Rumplestiltskin, he and his men rode off, back into the Enchanted Forest and to the Castle, where the Charmings were patiently waiting.
"A sword?!" Asked Charming after Killian had explained the transaction between himself and Rumpelstiltskin. Snow though for a minute, "David, this could work. Once Regina's powers are vanquished, we could finally have a fair battle. We can defeat her and get our daughter back." She said softly.
Charming turned to Killian, "Once the troops are well rested, and prepared to face Regina's army, we will attack, not before then." Killian nodded his head and quickly headed out of the throne room. Snow turned to her husband once more, "And how long will that take?" she asked. Charming shrugged his shoulders, "It could be a few days, maybe even a few weeks. These soldiers need to be prepared, look at what happened to Hans." He answered. Snow let out a sad sigh, and Charming gently wrapped his arms around her waist.
"We have a way to defeat her once and for all, we'll get our daughter back...I promise." He whispered sweetly. "I hate waiting."replied Snow. "Yes, but it's a small price to pay, for the defeat of the evil queen." Said Charming as they slowly left the throne room.
~Back at Regina's Castle~
Emma had waken up to the sun shining brightly on her face. Gretel had laid another dress on her bed, and although it wasn't hideous like the past one, it was still ugly. "Let me guess,her majesty picked it?" Emma grumbled as the small servant girl prepared her a warm bath. Gretel laughed and replied, "Indeed. But it certainly isn't as atrocious as the last one." she said as she helped the princess stand,and make her way over to the warm bath. Suddenly the memories from the previous night flooded her memory. She thought about the queen, and their brief makeout session,and she found herself clutching the side of the tub for support.
Once the princess had finished bathing, Gretel quickly helped her get dressed. The small girl quickly checked the time. "Im sure breakfast is prepared, and her majesty appreciates punctuality." She said,as she took a step back and quickly took a final glance at Emma.
Seconds later they were making their way through the castle,to the dining hall. Gretel stopped at the door, and allowed Emma to go before her into the dining hall. Emma started to feel heat shoot straight down to her core, and as she lifted her eyes to meet the Queen's brown ones,she saw an expression of pure lust spread across the Queen's regal features.
They were both silent as the servants brought the food to the table. Emma found herself thinking once again about the previous night,and had to squeeze her legs together to try and contain the heat. "Is something wrong dear?" Came the Queen's voice from the end of the table. "No." Emma answered,her voice barely above a whisper. The Queen eyed the princess curiously as the servants placed food on the table. Emma wasted no time in diverting her attention to the food, in hopes of finding relief.
The princess could see from the corner of her eyes that the Queen was making no attempt at eating. "Is everything ok your majesty?" The princess asked. "I was thinking," The Queen started as she slowly poked at her food with her fork, "About last night." The princess raised an eyebrow quizzically, "What about last night?" She asked. The Queen shook her head, "It's nothing... tell me dear, what do you see in that poor excuse of a prince that you call your fiance?" She asked.Emma shook her head, "Honestly nothing, but he's brave I guess,and good looking." Answered the princess. "And you're going to marry him because...?" The Queen asked slowly. "Because my parents like him, and he's wealthy and he protects me." Responded the blonde. "And you, do you love him?" The Queen asked.
"Killians a great guy..." the princess started, "But there's a darkness in him that he tries to hide and I'm just not sure he's the one for me." She finished. "You understand that this is a war, I'll kill him if it's necessary, just like I killed his brother, and just like I'll destroy your kingdom." The Queen said as she stood slowly and gracefully. "I understand." The princess whispered. "Good," the Queen said as she made her way towards Emma. "Come, I hate being caged in these walls, we're going horseback riding". The princess smiled, "How do you know I won't run?" She asked as she and the Queen walked down the hall.
"Unless you want a repeat of last time, you won't". Responded the Queen, as she and Emma walked outside to where two horses were waiting.Emma watched as the Queen mounted her horse, with all the grace and beauty of a Queen. “I wonder,” started the princess as she mounted her horse, “which one of us can reach the forest first?” She asked with a playful smirk. The Queen looked over at Emma returning her smirk, “How about we find out?” She asked as she took off before the princess could respond, leaving Emma surprised. It didn't take the princess long to get going, and once she did so, she was trailing very closely behind the Queen. Who in return rode faster.

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