Chapter 12

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*After months of is something*

When Emma finally awoke, the sun was starting to rise. She wasn't sure how long she was knocked out,but judging by the dull yet persistent pain in the back of her head, she concluded  two hours or three at most. She struggled to stand, as she recollected what had taken place.

She quickly walked outside, and looked around for her horse, but it was nowhere in sight."Damn," she cursed under her breath. The princess knew that Killian and his army had already left, and had most likely reached the Queen's castle, so Emma called on the only person she knew could help.

"Rumpelstiltskin!" she yelled. Nothing happened. "Rumplestilts-,"

"You know dearie, you don't have to yell." Came a voice from behind the princess. Emma whirled around to see the dark one himself sitting behind her. "I need to-," "Get to the Queen's castle." Rumpelstiltskin finished.The dark one snapped his fingers and a gorgeous white horse appeared. "What's your price?" asked the princess."Consider this a freebie dear." said Rumpelstiltskin with a mischievous grin. "Why?" Asked Emma, as she admired the beautiful horse. "Let's just say, I'm a fan of true love."The Dark One answered, as he disappeared in a cloud of magic. Without further hesitation the princess mounted her noble steed,and set off towards the Queen's castle.

As she rode through the forest,she came upon two children on horseback,upon further inspection she saw that it was Gretel, and a young boy, whom she figured to be Hansel. "Gretel!" Emma called out as she rode towards them. "What's happened?" Asked the princess. "The Queen's castle is under attack, she freed my brother and I." The young girl informed, her voice quivering with fear. "And the Queen, is she ok?" Emma asked. "I'm not sure,when we left she was fine, but your parents army was cutting through the defense quickly." Answered Gretel. "Get as far away from here as possible." The princess commanded, as she turned and prepared to continue her journey back to the Queen's castle.

"Wh-where are you going?" asked Gretel. "I'm going back to save the Queen." The princess answered,as she motioned her horse on,towards the Queen's castle. As she rode towards the castle, she begin to question her motive.The princess wasn't sure what was making her go back to help the Queen. The woman who had tormented her parents for years, tried to kill her, held her captive,killed Hans, and even now, fought against her. But Emma continued riding. As she neared the castle,she could see the evidence of war. Many of the Queen's soldiers,now laid on the ground,their bodies cold and lifeless. The princess armed herself with a sword from one of the fallen soldiers,and continued to the gates of the castle, where some of Killian's men stood guard.

"Who goes there?" asked one of the guards. "It's the princess." The other one answered, as Emma walked towards them. The other guard stopped her. "I'm sorry, but we can't let you in, Killian's orders." He said. "Move," commanded the princess, but neither guard budged.The princess drew her sword, and advanced on them. Their swords met with a loud clash. After minutes of fighting,the princess proved victorious. "Open the gate!" She yelled angrily, her sword against the soldiers throat. The guards obeyed and opened the gates, allowing Emma to pass.

When Emma finally entered the castle,war was still being waged. She quickly surveyed the throne room,until her eyes fell upon the heated battle being fought between the Queen and Killian. "Regina!"Emma yelled happily. The Queen looked away from her war with the prince, and her brown eyes met with Emma's. As they locked eyes,it seemed that everything slowed, down and for that moment it seemed that they were the only two in the room. But suddenly the Queen felt a sharp pain in her side as the prince's blade pierced her skin,and she was reminded of the harsh reality that surrounded them.

A look of panic spread across the Queen's regal features, as blood seeped from her side. She waved her hand, and disappeared,her magic slowly fading. Regina reappeared in her room and tried desperately to heal herself, but it was no use. She used the rest of her strength to barricade her bedroom doors, but she knew that wouldn't hold the vengeance driven prince for long. She tightly clutched her sword,and held her hand against the wound that was loosing blood fast. Back in the throne room, the prince walked over to where Emma was standing, with a smirk plastered on his face, "Your parents will thank me, when I return victorious, having slain the evil Queen and returned their precious daughter, I wouldn't be surprised if they marry us right on the spot." He said, as he looked at the Queen's blood on the tip of his sword. Emma glared at Killian, "I'd rather die, than be your wife."The princess scoffed.

The prince turned and watched as his men fought against the Queen's men, before turning once more and holding his sword against Emma. "You know where she is, don't you princess?" he asked. Emma didn't respond. Killian shook his head, "I guess we'll do this the hard way,", he said,and before Emma could respond he grabbed her by the waist, and held his sword to her throat. "Now," he commanded,"take me to her." The princess tried to get free from the prince's grasp. "Why would I ever take you to where she is?" She asked. "Because if you were to die in this war, I could simply blame it on the Queen, It be a shame if she were to die with yet another crime on her." He said with his usual crooked grin. "You wouldn't." The princess asked wide eyed. "Don't test me!" The prince exclaimed angrily,as he grabbed her by her wrist. "Take me to her now!" Killian commanded angrily,as he pressed his sword harder against her throat.

Emma had no choice,but to lead the prince to where she knew the Queen had disappeared to.

*So a lot happened in this chapter,hopefully it wasn't too bad.Sorry it took me so long to update.Anyways,comment and let me know what you think.Love you guys!*

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