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Regina relished her first victory over the Charmings, but she knew that she had only won the battle. The war was just beginning. She watched through her magic mirror, the expression of the Charmings as Prince Killian told them what had happened. "What do you mean She took her?" Asked Snow White, panic taking over her voice. Killian continued to explain what had taken place.
"Let me lead an attack." Said Killian, "I can get her back". Snow shook her head, "Regina will see you coming a mile away,and she'd kill Emma before she let you take her." She said as she turned to face her husband. Charming shook his head in agreement, " You've seen what she can do on her own,you wouldn't stand a chance." He said.
Killian shook his head, "She has my fiancée! Am I to do nothing,while Regina can take it upon herself to kill Princess Emma,whenever she bloody feels like it!?" He asked outraged. "We will find a way Killian, I assure you,but leading an attack right now would be unwise". Answered Snow White calmly.
Regina smiled,and waved her hand once more, and watched the princess in the dungeon,as she desperately tried to free herself. She sat down on her throne,and continued to watch as the blonde struggled against the chain and metal bars.
The queen admired the blonde's persistence,and felt an ounce of pity for her.She snapped her fingers,and appeared in the dungeon. "Honestly, this has just become pathetic." Said Regina,as she freed the princess from the chains,with a subtle wave of her hand,and unlocked the bars.
"I, I don't understand". Said Emma,as she cautiously walked towards Regina. "Come with me." Said the Queen as she headed towards the dungeon door. But the princess did not move. "You're more than welcome to stay down here, but I figured you'd prefer something a little more comfortable". Regina said,as she waited for the princess to follow.
Emma quickly followed Regina out of the dungeon."Aren't you worried,that I'll try to escape?" Asked Emma as they walked down the hall. Regina quickly seized Emma's throat, and held her against the wall. "No,but you should be worried as to what I'll do to you if you try." She said as she tightly clenched her throat before letting her go.
Emma fell to the floor,desperately gasping for air. Regina smirked,as Emma struggled to stand. "Do not mistake my kindness for weakness princess." She said as she continued to walk down the hall. Regina pushed open a door, "This will be your room". She said. The princess walked inside and gasped at how lavish the room was. "You will join me for 3 meals a day,unless I decide otherwise. You are free to roam the castle,but do not attempt to leave the grounds. Oh,and you will make yourself presentable before daring to be in my presence. Understood?" Asked the queen.
The princess nodded,but this did not please Regina. "You will say 'Yes your Majesty'....understood?" Asked Regina. "Yes your Majesty." Answered Emma. Regina gave a nod of approval before leaving the princess alone,in her new room. Emma walked over to the only window in her new room,and poked her head out. It was big enough for her to fit through, but it was a long way down,and if the fall didn't kill her,the she would most likely be impaled on the iron gates below.
Emma sat back on her bed,before recalling the queens orders, " will make yourself presentable before daring to be in my presence." She slowly walked over to the wardrobe,to find a single red dress with matching heels. She quickly changed,and a few moments later there was a knock on her door. "Dinner will be ready in 10 minutes". Came a woman's voice from behind the door. Emma opened it to see a small servant girl, standing there. "You can tell her majesty that I'm not hungry."The princess said before gently closing the door.
Moments later, a cloud of purple smoke formed in the middle of her room,and when it cleared,the queen was standing there looking as regal as ever." Did you not understand my orders?" Asked the queen. "Yes your majesty, I did." Answered Emma. "And aren't orders to be followed dear?" Asked the queen. "Yes your majesty, they are." Emma answered slowly.
"Then,why are you not following them?" Asked Regina. Emma locked eyes with the queen, "Because, I am Emma,Princess of Arendelle,and I don't take orders from anyone except my parents!" Exclaimed the princess. Regina smiled before grabbing the girl by her hair,and dragging her across the cold marble floor to the window.
"In case you haven't noticed princess,you are in my kingdom,and in my kingdom you will follow my orders!" Hissed Regina, her nails digging in the princesses scalp. "So,I'll ask you you understand my orders?" Asked Regina,her voice slowly calming down. "Yes,your Majesty". Sobbed the princess. Regina smiled,"Good. I'll see you at dinner dear". She said,before once again dissapearing in a cloud of magic.
Emma opened the wardrobe once more and grabbed the red dress, she quickly changed into it,and slid on the heels before following the servant girl to the dining hall. Regina smiled as Emma entered the room. "My,my,don't you look beautiful?" Asked Regina as Emma slowly walked to the table.
"Thank you,your majesty". Said Emma,as she slowly sat down in the chair beside the queen. The two were silent,as the servants set the food down on the table. "So how long am I to be held captive?" Asked Emma. Regina eyed the princess, "Captive? Mmmh that's such a negative word don't you think?" She asked sarcastically. Emma glared at the queen, "What else would you call it....your majesty?!" Asked Emma,a hint of anger in her voice.
Regina gave the princess an icy glare,which immediately made her regret her words. "You ungrateful brat!" She said angrily. "You think I'm treating you like a captive?" She said as she quickly arose from her chair,and walked towards Emma.
"I could've killed you,and your poor excuse of a fiancé. But I let you both live. I could have left you in the dungeon, just like a Captive, instead I offer you a room in my palace. But if you wish for me to treat you as a captive, than I shall". She said,as she waved her hand and sent the princess back to her room in a cloud of purple smoke.
The princess ran to the door,and pulled on the handles,but they were locked. She sat on the edge of her bed,and began to cry.

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