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Emma stared out the window of her lavish prison. She did not doubt the queen when she had warned her about attempting to escape, but Emma was not going to be a willing captive.She scanned the room for anything she could use, until her eyes rested on the long curtains that adorned the window . She quickly ripped the curtain down and tied them together in a tight knot. She took one end and tied them together in a tight knot. She took one end and tied it to a bar, the rest she suspended from the window. With a quick glance back, the princess quickly grasped the curtain and climbed out the window, and down the side of the castle wall. Her descent down the castle wall took quite some time, but she was relieved when her feet finally met the ground.

She surveyed her surroundings,there were no sign of the Queens guards, so she quickly ran into the forest as far from the castle as she could go. She kept running, until she suddenly fell, her face hitting the ground with a loud thud. She looked down to see that a vine had wrapped itself around her leg, with a rather tight grip. The princess reached down and attempted to unwrap the vine from around her leg, but soon another one replaced it followed by several more. "Struggling is useless dear." Emma looked up to see the Queen standing before her. "I see you've inherited your parents stupidity". She said with a smirk, as she glared at the princess. "Let me go!" Demanded Emma as she fought against the vine, that seemed to tighten the more she fought. Regina watched in amusement as the princess desperately fought to free herself. "Enough!" Commanded Regina, as she waved her hands engulfing both herself and the princess in a thick cloud of magic.

When the magic cleared, they were back in the room that Regina had given Emma. "You can't keep me here! My parents and Killian will come for me!!!" Exclaimed Emma angrily. Regina slowly walked over to the princess,and looked her straight in the eyes, "And when they do, I'll kill them". She said with a smirk. "You monster!" Exclaimed Emma. The Queen turned and looked at Emma, with an expression that the princess could not read. "You're free to roam the castle, with the exception of my room.But do not attempt to leave again, or next time I won't be so nice". She said as she disappeared in her familiar cloud of magic. Emma rolled her eyes and laid across the bed, as she thought of her family, and her fiancé, before finally drifting off into a deep sleep.

The next morning, Emma awoke to the light pouring in through her bedroom window. At the end of her bed was a long box wrapped in fine cloth. She picked up the box, and opened it, finding a satin blue dress, and a small envelope. She frowned at the distasteful dress, before opening up the envelope. "See you at breakfast ~ Regina". Emma glanced at the dress once more, she was accustomed to wearing dresses,after all she was the princess,but this dress was hideous.While Emma contemplated whether or not to wear the dress there was a faint knocking at her door. She opened it, to see a small servant girl standing there, the girl bowed,''Her majesty the Queen, wants to make sure you are presentable for breakfast, and wishes for me to assist you''. She said quickly. Emma frowned,and slowly stepped aside letting the small girl in. ''I don't really need help, I'm capable of dressing myself''. Emma said with a frown. ''Yes, but it would be unwise to disobey the Queen's orders''. Said the girl politely, a hint of fear in her voice. Emma looked at the young girl,who appeared to be no older than fourteen. ''What's your name?'' asked Emma. ''Gretel''. Answered the girl, as she began to draw a bath for Emma. ''You may get in once the water is to your liking.'' said Gretel. ''Would you like for me to help you undress?'' Asked the girl. ''No, I can do it myself'', answered Emma. ''Why do you fear the Queen?'' asked Emma. ''Because she is capable of terrible things''. Answered Gretel,her voice barely above a whisper. ''What did she do to you?'' Asked Emma curiously . ''My brother, Hansel....'', She whispered. ''The Queen separated us,when we failed to acquire a magical item for her. My brother has worked in the stables, ever since Daniel died, and I work in the castle. But we are never allowed to see each other, she has eyes everywhere.'' Emma pitied the young girl,''The Queen is nothing more than a tyrant,that will soon be overthrown''. She said as she slid into the warm bath. Gretel looked at her with an expression of absolute terror, ''You shouldn't say such things, she will hear you.'' She said as she nervously glanced around. The princess rolled her eyes,as she began to vigorously scrubbed herself clean. ''You should hurry, breakfast is in 10 minutes, and her majesty wishes for you to be punctual''. Said Gretel as she poured more water into the bath, and handed Emma a towel. Emma finished bathing,as Gretel carefully picked up the dress that the Queen had so nicely given her. ''Her majesty has taken torture to a whole new level'', said Gretel with a low chuckle, as she helped Emma into the dress. Emma laughed,as Gretel put her hair into a neat bun. ''Well your highness, you look presentable''. She said, as she turned and began to lead Emma down the hallway. Emma was silent,as they neared the dining hall,where the Queen was impatiently waiting. "My,my, don't you clean up nicely?" Asked Regina, her eyes wandering over the princesses body, as she entered the room. "Thank you, your majesty". Responded Emma, as she slowly sat down at the table. Emma watched as the servants began to bring the food to the table. "What, your majesty, is the point in keeping me here?" Asked Emma. The Queen stared at the princess, with a dangerous glint in her eyes. "Revenge." Said Regina,with a smirk. "Revenge?" Asked the princess. Regina nodded, "Snow White robbed me of my Happily Ever After, and now, I'm going to do the same to her. Then, and only then will my Happiness be achieved, with you and your prince out the way, your kingdom will be vulnerable and easily destroyed." She said, as she took a bite from her food. After breakfast, Regina had Emma follow her around, as she attended to her Queenly duties. Emma listened as Regina scolded her army. "I have no room for weakness, nor do I have the patience for failure. I want that kingdom destroyed!" She told her men. "But your majesty, Prince Killian and his brother Hans still defend the kingdom." One of the soldiers said. The Queen Slowly walked up to the soldier and smiled at him, before burying her hand inside of his chest, and pulling out his heart. The Queen locked eyes with the princess as she crushed the soldiers heart in her hand. Regina turned back to her army, "I want their Kingdom destroyed! Don't disappoint me again!" She commanded before she turned and walked out of the room, stepping over the dead soldier. Princess Emma quickly followed the Queen down the one of the halls of the palace. "You're a monster"! She Exclaimed angrily. Regina whirled around and faced the princess. "You think I'm a monster?" She asked, as she slowly backed the princess against a wall. "Your parents are the true monsters".said the Queen, her eyes glowing with a dangerous shade of purple.
" Snow White pretends to be so pure, but I know the evil that is inside of her... the evil that took my fiancé away from me. " She whispered bitterly. Emma was about to say something else, when one of the Servants ran up to the Queen, handing her a small envelope. Regina read the contents and smiled, " It appears there is to be a grand ball tonight, at King Midas's castle. " She said, as she slowly eyed the princess. "I suppose you'll need a dress." She continued as her eyes once again wandered over Emma's body.
Emma perked up a bit, "You're going to let me go with you?" she asked. Regina nodded, "Yes dear, after all, I don't think I have to worry about you trying to escape again.... Do I?" She asked sarcastically. Emma shook her head, "No, your highness". She answered, her voice barely above a whisper.
"Good." The Queen replied,as she turned and walked the other way, "Be ready to go in an hour, I don't like being late". Her voice echoing down the hallway, as she left Emma alone in the castle hall.

*sorry I took so long to update, writers block is a curse all on its own lol. The next chapter probably won't be up for a while,but i appreciate your patience, comment, comment comment lol,- Reginatheevilqueen98

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