In the Hospital

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As soon as the ambulance arrived Victor ran in, and saw Abby laying on the floor and Susana her mom sitting next to her. Victor then helped put Abby on the stretcher and then carried her  out of the house on the stretcher. Susan rode in the back of the ambulance and Victor drove a different car up to the hospital. Then Abby's grandma came out to watch the other kids. 

As soon as they arrived they rushed in, and the doctor asked "how long has she been like this". Susan replied "I don't know how long; because she walked home and I was at work until three pm. Then I came home and saw her on the bathroom floor".

The doctor replied "Well we will treat her and she will have to stay in the hospital until she gets better". Victor then walked out of the room with Susan and said "Honey you stay with her and I will go home and check on her tomorrow".

After they talked Susan walked back into the room and Victor left. When Victor got home he contacted Abby's seminary teacher and asked him if he can come and give Abby a blessing tomorrow morning. The seminary teacher replied and said "Yes".

Before Victor went to the hospital he took the kids to school, and then went to talk to Mr. Lancaster, and see if they can freeze her grades. When he walked into the office he saw Mr. Lancaster was talking to a teacher so Victor waited.

When Mr. Lancaster was done talking Victor approached him and said "Mr. Lancaster Abby will not be attending school for a while; because she is in the hospital for trying to attempt suicide". Mr. Lancaster said "I will talk with her counselor and teacher's, and I hope everything will be OK".

After Victor left the school and  went into work and told them he would not be coming in today. Then he headed up to the hospital.

When he arrived Susan was waiting for them to come back from doing test. When Victor arrived he asked Susan how Abby was doing and then she responded "She still hasn't woken up, but they are running test now to see what they can do". The two of them continued to talk, and then Brother Oak arrived with some other Elders to give Abby a blessing.

When the doctors brought Abby back her parents and the Elders walked into the room. Then the doctor said "We have a few options we can try giving her medicine to help it or we can do a surgery that will help her body heal". Susan said "Let me talk with my husband and see what we want to do, and we will let you know".

The doctor then left and the Elders gave Abby a priesthood blessing to help heal her. After the blessing the Elder's left, and then Susan asked Victor what they should do, and what he thinks will be good for Abby.

A few minutes later Doctor John came in and Victor told him they want to do the surgery. Doctor John said "Ok thanks for letting me know I will go talk to the surgeons and then have them come explain to you how things will go. We will also do the surgery during the night so you both can go home and we'll let you know when she is out of surgery".

Then Doctor John left the room and went and talked to the surgeons. After Doctor John talked to the surgeons they all then came into the room and explained to Susan and Victor how it would all work.

After this the surgeons took Abby into a different room so they could do the procedure. After they left with Abby Susan and Victor left and went home.

In the middle of the night Susan got a phone call, and it turned out to be Doctor John. Susan answered it and said "Hello how are things going". Doctor John said "Things went well and Abby is out of surgery and is starting to wake up". Susan replied "That's great I will come in and see her tomorrow". Then they hanged up and Susan went back to bed.

In the morning Susan had Victor take the younger kids to school and then go into work. Susan went into the school to let Mr. Lancaster know how things are going. When Susan came in Mr. Lancaster asked her "How are things, and how is Abby? A couple of her classes made her cards, and then two of her friends made her this big poster, and had everyone who wanted to sign it sign it". Susan replied "That's great she'll be really happy, and things are going great; because she just got out of surgery and has finally started to wake up and I was on my way their".

Mr. Lancaster and Susan continued to talk and then as Susan left the school some of Abby's friends asked where Abby was and Susan told them what had happened. 

When Susan arrived at the hospital Doctor John walked with Susan to Abby's room and where she had been recovering. When Susan walked in she had tons of cards and a poster for Abby. Abby was finally awake and had asked her mom where she was. Her mom then gave her all of her cards and Abby started to cry.

Doctor John said "Abby needs to stay one more night before she can go home. Then she can go back to school when she feels a hundred percent better. If she starts to feel dizzy at all then bring her in. She might also suffer from depression for awhile so talk to her school counselor to help her with depression". 

The doctor then left the room and Abby said "Mom I am sorry if I scared you, and I promise you that I will never try to attempt suicide again". Her mom replied "I might have been sacred but at least you're Okay, and will be going home tomorrow". Abby and her mom continued to talk, and then Susan left the room and went home. 

On the way home Susan stopped at the school again to let all of Abby's friends know that she would be coming home tomorrow. Then she went and talked with Ms. Sparks and told her "I want you to work with Abby; because her doctor said she will be suffering from depression for a while and she need's to work with someone to get it under control". Ms. Sparks said "For this type of thing we would have the school psychologist work with her, and would also have her counselor working with her".

Susan talked with Ms. Sparks and then left the school and went home.

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