He finds Me

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A few weeks after the second semester started Abby walked into the school that morning and saw Lance . Abby did not say one word to him, but kept walking; because Abby had found out a few weeks before second semester started that Lance was still mad about him having ISS for bullying her.

Abby walked into the band room with her trumpet, and she put her trumpet away and walked out of the band room. After that the bell rang so Abby went to first and told herself "None thing will happen, and this will be a great day". After she told herself this she was fine the rest of the day.

At lunch Abby's friend Riley told her "Lance has been saying some things about you, and posting things on his Instagram". Abby told her "You know what I don't care what he says or posts if he really wanted to start things up he would come say them to my face".

After this Abby ate her lunch and checked her Instagram messages, and sure enough Lance had posted things, and was now wanting to fight Abby. So after Abby ate her lunch she walked into the gym hoping Mr. Lancaster would be in their and he was. So Abby approached him with her cellphone in one hand, so she good show him.

Abby walked up to him and asked "Are you busy; because I need to talk to you about something really important". He replied "No, but if you would like we can talk after lunch". Abby really wanted to talk about this in his office, so Abby replied "Yes I would prefer to talk in your office".

Mr. Lancaster then walked after lunch with Abby to his office. When they were in their Abby pulled up her Instagram and then explained to him every thing,, and then showed him. Mr. Lancaster then said "If you would like I can have you guys do a mediation through one of the counselor". "Ya I would like to do that" then Mr. Lancaster replied "What counselor would you feel the most comfortable with"?
So Abby told him and then he walked her into sixth period which was now drawing with Ms. Holland. Abby was in this class for about five minutes before her counselor came and got Lance and her. 

Abby told her friend Ivy "if I  am not back by the time sixth period ends put away my stiff". So Abby then walked to her counselor's office and had a seat. 

Her counselor Ms. Wendell told them "So how this is going to work is on of you is going to talk while the other listens, and I don't want you to start thinking of things to say just say what you know. Abby I want you to go first because you seem to know what's going on"

So Abby started talking and this is what Abby said "Lance one of my friends approached me and brought something to my attention. That thing was you were talking about me during fifth period, but this is not all other wise we wouldn't be here right. What really caught my attention was you messaging me on my Instagram saying really rude comments".

Lance said "No I have not been talking be hind your back and yes I may have posted those things, but my friends took my phone, so there was none thing I could have done. Besides who would tell you that.

Abby said "Riley did and some one else told me you are mad about last year, and every thing that happened". Lance said "No I don't talk to Riley; because she causes allot of drama between people, and no I am not mad about last year, and besides the only drama I have had was with Avery".

After this Ms. Wendell stopped and told them "If any thing else pops up or happens then talk to each other even if that means in my office". 

So then Ms. Wendell signed their slips to go back to class and they left her office and walked backed to sixth period and after school that day Mr. Lancaster asked Abby how everything went and she told him "It all went well, but I still don't get why he posted these mean things"? Mr. Lancaster said "I talked with your mom, and told her he would be punished for these things. No if any thing else happens just let me know".

After talking to Mr. Lancaster Abby walked over to her friends and they started telling her "You might want to check your Instagram, and snap chat; because he has recently just posted some things".

The bully next doorOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz