The Damage

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Abby was trying to find Lance one day at school, but couldn't find him. So Abby called her mom and asked her to talk to Crystal to see if she know's where he is.

At lunch that day Abby had text message from Lance and it read "Abby I am spending this week with my dad and I will need you to be willing to talk to me when I call you". After reading this message Abby was in tears; because she knew he would come back and be a bully to her and so she went about her day in a really crappy mood.

After school when Abby got home she went into the bathroom and cried. When Abby's mom got home she asked her what was wrong and Abby stayed silent and never said a word all night.

The next day Abby ignored everyone who talked to her. Abby knew that one of her friends would let Ms. Sparks know, and or one of her teachers would noticed. Ms. SParks noticed at lunch that something was wrong with her, so Ms. Sparks pulled her a side during lunch and asked her "Is something going on. If so do you want to talk about it". 

Abby replied "No I don't want to talk about it; because the reason I am upset is because of what might be happening next week when Lance comes home". Ms. Sparks had respect and let her be, but she knew something was up, but she didn't know what.

A few minutes later Abby get's a call from Lance and so she answers it.

*****On the Phone with Lance******* 

"Hi what's up" Lance said

Abby said "Hey how are things, and right now I am at lunch"

"Oh sorry I can call you later, but I was letting you know that I am coming home today; because my dad did somethings that I don't want to be around so I will be there in sixth period" Lance said

"Okay talk to me when you come into sixth" Abby said

Then they both hanged up and then the bell rang and Abby walked to sixth period with Jasmine. Abby then started to get scared and wanted to know what would happen, but she didn't know. When Lance arrived his friend Sarah asked him "Where have you been lately"? Lance didn't reply, but walked up to Abby and talked to her.

Abby noticed that Lance had changed when he went with his dad and all the sudden he said "I don't know why I have been so nice to you; because you have treated me like a jerk". Abby did not care when he said this so she walked away from him.

After school that day Abby was walking home and before she could get off of the school's property Lance came up and shoved her, so Abby walked back to find Mr. Lancaster; because Abby was not going to let this happen.

She talked with Mr. Lancaster and then when she was walking away from him Lance came up and pushed Abby again. Lance started to bully the one person that could probably help him. When Abby got home she walked over to talk to Crystal and Abby asked her to talk to her son; because he will not leave her alone.

Abby then went home and found some of her anxiety pills; because her being bullied gave her anxiety so she needed pills for it. When she  found them she took to many pills and passed out in her bathroom. Abby did this because she wants all the pain to stop.

Abby knew that this was not the way to get out of all this pain, and that there are people that would have wanted to help her.

When Abby's mom got home and saw Abby on the floor she started to cry, and then called Abby's dad Victor who was a paramedic. When answered he said he will be there with an ambulance as soon as they can be. 

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