Starting to get back up

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After Abby walked away from him and into the band room Mr. Bell asked her "How are things are they still rough". She replied "Yes they are but I am just going to hold my head high and show him I am stronger than how strong he thinks I am".

Then Abby left the band room and walked into the gym to find Riley and tell her everything that has happened. Abby couldn't find her, but she found Annabella and told her then she said "If he wants to fight you again just let me fight him". Abby told her "No I am not going to let my friends fight my battle; because I need to fight my own battles".

Annabella then walked away and then the bell rang so Abby walked to math and then saw Sidney and went and said "Hi", but he never responded. Abby went about her day and during sixth period Abby talked to Ms. Holland and asked her to make sure Lance never comes near her.

After sixth Abby went to seventh period in a great mood. She waited outside the band room til Mr. Bell opened the doors. Mr. Lancaster walked up and asked Abby how things were and she told him "Things are great I feel like he is going to leave me alone, but he just moved right next door to me, so I don't know". Mr. Lancaster then let her go to class. She got out her trumpet and then warmed up. After warming up during the announcements Abby was ready for band. After the announcements Mr. Bell said "We have a week tell festival we need to be ready so let's go". They start to play and then all the sudden Annabella came into the band room because she was an office aid.

The slip was for Abby, and Ms. Wendell wanted to talk to her. All the sudden she see's Lance in the hallway and decides to leave him alone. So Abby continued walking to the counseling office and walked into Ms. Wendell's office.

Ms. Wendell said "I know things are still rough, but I am going to help you get back up; because you haven't been as happy as you use to be. This isn't because your friends came and told me this, but was something Ms. Sparks would like to have you do. Okay". Abby replied "Okay that's fine with me; because I have decided to show him he will never bring me down all the way".

Abby continued to talk with Ms. Wendell something that she told her was "If you don't show him how strong you actually are then he will never leave you alone. Every week I will be pulling you in to talk about things and see how they are doing".

After this Abby went back to band and packed up her trumpet; because their was only five minutes left in class". Mr. Bell then said "Abby why is your trumpet put away" Abby replied "We only have five minutes left in class". Mr. Bell let her do her thing and had the rest of the band play while she packed up.

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