Mediation in the Conference Room

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After the explanation of how things are going to work Mr. Lancaster said "Abby we would like you to go first, and so what has been going". Abby then said "OK so what's been going on is I feel like Lance doesn't want me here at all; because it seem's like he just doesn't care anymore, and it doesn't matter who I talk to I feel like he just turns around and continues to bully and harass me. I feel like I have told him to stop way to many times".

Mr. Lancaster replied by saying "OK Lance now I want you to respond to what she said". Before Lance started to talk Ms. Sparks asked Abby to explain how she feels, and so she did. Here Is what she said "How I feel is like I have to pretend to be happy, try to hide the pain and sorriness that I feel whenever you hurt me. I also feel like no one understands what is going on".

After Abby said this Lance became silent and Mr. Higgins then responded "Lance now that you see how Abby feel's what do you want to change and how do you see things". Lance just sat in silence. When the administration notice this Ms. Sparks spoke up and asked Lance to tell his side of things. Lance did not want to share his side, but he then started to talk.

"Abby my side of things is that my friends take my phone, and post all that mean stuff". Mr Lancaster said "Lance how did your friends post mean things at the same exact time that you posted things". Lance replied "Um-mm I want proof that things came from my phone at the exact same time as my friends phones". So Abby pulled out her phone got on her Instagram and showed Lance and the administration. As they were checking the times the messages were sent Abby said "Lance one of the things that came from your phone is that you want to fight me why would you want to fight me in the first place? I know this is going to shock you but if you punch me I will walk away and right into the office so why"?

Lance replied "Because I did not want to sit down and talk about it because it is harder to do where as fighting is easy". As soon as the administration was done Ms. Sparks said "You guys are starting to get in an argument and that will not help things get better, so I want you both to think of how you probably shouldn't have done because it made things worse, and we will do this is Lance will go first".

Lance said "I probably shouldn't have let my friends post things and help me put you down Abby", and then Abby said "I don't know what I probably should have done different the only one I can think of is have told my friends whats going on rather than try to hide that something is going on". Mr. Higgins then spoke and said "You both could have went up to each other and talked about things getting posted, and Lance we now know that you and your friends posted things".

Mr. Lancaster then said "After today I do not want to see either of you in the office over this; because you two are just going to leave each other alone. Now if some thing happens there will be a punishment to it OK". They both said OK and then Ms. Sparks said "I need you to help feel this paper out, and then sign it. When you sign this paper you are saying you will leave each other alone, and if something happens you will take the responsibility to accept the punishment to it".

So the two of them filled and signed the paper and then headed to third period; because the mediation took forever and then Abby said "Can I have a note to go to class; because with out a note I will be marked tardy by our secretary because my third period is seminary". Ms. Sparks replied "Yes I will give you both a note and I will excuse you from second and advisory".

They both then left the office with their notes and walked to third, and when Abby arrived the whole class said "Your Tardy", but Abby said "No I have a note from Ms. Sparks". The n the whole class became silent.

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