Chapter 15

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"Hitori, I hear you were admitted into the hospital a few days ago for multiple injures. The kunai, you were cut with, had a slow moving poison on it. Along with the fact that you had some bruised ribs," The Old Man sighed deeply,"What I want to know is. Why are you here when you're suppose to be in the hospital?!?!"

The black haired genin stood there with two chunin standing beside her, making sure she wouldn't escape,"Funny story actually," The Hokage looked at her expectingly,"People kept visiting me, so I couldn't sleep. I thought I'd go take a nap somewhere else."

Sarutobi glanced at the Nara in front of him,"Where you planning on going back to the hospital Hitori?"

Uragisa shrugged the best she could, with her injures,"Not really, I didn't feel like going back to that prison. Their food there sucks, badly.."

Before the Hokage could speak, the door burst open.  Naruto popped into the office, along with someone else,"OLD MAN!! HI-CHAN IS MISSING!!"

"Uh, Brat?"

Naruto looked around before he noticed her,"AHH!! HI-CHAN!! YOU'RE OKAY!!" The blonde hugged her.

"Thanks? I guess..." She patted Naruto's back awkwardly, ignoring the pain flaring from her side. Looking at the two Chunins that we're glaring at the Blondie, Hitori discretely placed something on their vest. After setting up her trap, she tugged on a thin string, causing the two chunin's to hit the wall,"Sorry guys. As much as I love fans, I don't appreciate pedophiles," Hitori teased.

"Hitori," The Old Man called out, massaging a upcoming headache.

"Huh?" Chocolate sleepy eyes stared at his figure,"Need something?"

Rubbing the temples of his head, he huffed loudly,"Please go back to the hospital and rest. Your injures are not completely healed yet. Naruto, Hitori is still injured."

Bright blue eyes widen before releasing the girl almost immediately,"Ah! I'M SORRY HI-CHAN!"

"It's fine Brat... It's nothing, I'm a strong girl," Hitori said, waving her hand in dismissal.

A shadow of a figure appeared behind her. The person took hold of her collar, and lifted her up till her legs dangled in the air,"I saw you wincing when Naruto hugged you Hisa. Do not worry Hokage-sama, I will personally see to it that she kept at the hospital," A familiar rough voice answered.

Old Smoker nodded his head,"Please do Shikaku."

The Shadow user bowed before he started to walk towards the door, with the young genin trailing behind,"Oi!" Hitori complained, flaring her arms and legs all over the place,"There is no way I'm going back there!"

Naruto blinked a few times at my retreating figure. Shikaku huffed,"Come along now, Hisa. Don't cause more trouble for Hokage-sama. Yoshino will take it out on both of us," He shivered at the thought.

"Don't call me that! It's Uragisa Hitori!!" She growled as he dragged her down the stairs,"Ow! Be more careful, I'm injured here!"


Annoying the Jounin didn't work, after the few taunts and teases she stopped when he wasn't paying attention to the younger Nara. Shikaku continued to pull her towards the direction of the hospital. Hazel eyes decided to just look up at the sky, and watch as the clouds float by.

"Hisa." The Clan Head spoke.

Glaring at him, the ex-banished ninja snapped back,"What?"

Without any warning, he wrapped an arm around her thin waist and lifted her up to his side. The Jounin jumped onto the roofs of the buildings, leaping one after the other.

"Hey! What's the big idea?!"

"This way is faster."

Hitori blew a raspberry at him. Shikaku glanced down at the child in his arms,"Hisa," He called out as he leaped towards another roof,"You are a Nara," The man stated.

Those four words sent shockwaves all over the young one's body. The world seemed to slow down for her, as she repeated those words in her head. A breeze flew through her black locks, eyes catching a few strands of dark brown hair instead of black,"A Nara?" Hitori whispered to herself.

A puddle on the ground reflected an mirror image of the genin. Dyed black hair, now had multiple highlights of brown popping up. With no hair gel to keep her hair down, spikes were poking out of her head. She looked more like a Nara than she ever did for the last 7 years.

"Even if you changed your appearance and switch your name, Hisa. The Nara blood runs through your veins," Shikaku spoke as he continued his way toward the hospital,"Whether or not you consider us your family, we are still family either way. Not even a life time will ever change that fact, Hisa."

Cocoa eyes met each other's gaze, the younger Nara's eyes widen at the Head Clan's words,"F-Family?" She questioned.

The word she cursed every night, day, since she was exiled. The word she hated with every fiber of her body. Three syllables together that she wanted to forget about, came crashing down on her. For seven years she's been alone, fending for herself. Her eyes started to sting a bit, vision started to blur. Hitori blinked rapidly, trying to fight away her tears.

The Nara Head looked down at the black bundle in his arm. Hitori was laughing bitterly as tears ran down her face,"You're an *hiccup* idiot..,"The young banished Nara's laughter turned into sobs,"The b-biggest idiot *hiccup* in the w-whole world."

Shikaku chuckled,"I'm not usually called an idiot."

Small fist smacked his arm, pounding along with each word,"Well, I'm n-not Nara Hisa. M-my name *hiccup* is Ura-g-gisa Hitori! Damn it! D-don't think *hiccup* for on-one second, just because *hiccup* you apologize th-that I'm going to forgive you!"

The young girl's cries stopped suddenly as she felt a hand on her head, comforting her,"It's alright, Hisa. If you are not ready to be known as a Nara once again, we understand. That doesn't change the fact that you are still family, Hisa. You will always be Nara Hisa to us," The Nara Jounin leaped onto the side of the building, chakra keeping him from falling off.

Cocoa eyes expanded, tiny hands wiped away strands of tears on her pale face,"N-Nara," She whispered.


Hitori clutched her fist, she looked away from the adult,"I-I... I missed," She cleared her throat before continuing,"Y-You, along with y-your wife and s-son..."

Shikaku stopped momentarily before jumping on top of the building,"Still can't call us by our first names, huh?"He chuckled lightly at the kid's sudden shyness. The remainder of the trip was followed with silence. The comfortable silence, neither of them wanted to disturb.

As the trip went on, Hitori went limp in Shikaku's arms. Eyes closed, arms dangling in the air, and mouth slightly opened. She fell asleep, drained emotionally and physically from her injures. At the sight of the young child's slumber, the Jounin Commander adjusted his hold on her. He jumped through an open window into Hitori's hospital room. The Nara Head tucked her into the white blanket. The man in his late 20s examined the young girl on the bed, he smiled softly and gently wiped away a tear drop,"Get some rest Hisa. We'll talk more later."

After bidding Hitori a silent farewell, Shikaku Nara disappeared into the day, errands to be run and such.

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