Chapter 13

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"Troublesome, she's asleep," Amber eyes stared down at the black bundle laying on his chest. Shikamaru was sprawled on the hard ground, sighing at the weight on his body. The young Nara glanced around and noticed that the groceries he bought were also scattered around the place,"What a drag..." The boy complained.

A breeze blew by, the wind ruffling every inch of their bodies. Hitori sneezed in her sleep, than grumbled,"...Pineapple...cookies."

Shikamaru groaned at the girl in front of him,"This is too much work," He mumbled out.

Taking a closer look at the genin, the Nara noticed something,"She's kinda... cute." Chocolate eyes widen at the words that flew out of his own mouth, tints of red could be seen on his cheeks.

Pushing himself off the ground, the Pineapple head made sure that she didn't fall on her face. He gently laid her down onto the soft grass, than began to pick up the groceries he bought. Shikamaru yawned a bit, before looking at the 12 year old girl.  Making a sound of frustration, he placed the sleeping ninja on his back,"Troublesome woman..." He mumbled out, glancing at the snoozing person.

Shikamaru's usual frown, slowly turned into a smirk as he watched the black haired girl. Than suddenly he shook his head rapidly, fighting down a blush that was now seen on his face. Hooking an arm under each leg, the Nara began trotting back to his house. The night sky, his only companion awake, with stars twinkling in the black background.

"Shikamaru," The familiar voice of his Father called out.

Addressed being turned around to see Shikaku standing on top of the roof,"Dad," Shikamaru greeted back.

Jumping down from the building, the Shadow Jounin stood in front of his child,"Your mother was wondering what took you so long."

The genin shrugged,"Ran into something."

The Jounin Commander crossed his arms, examining the child in front of him,"Who's on your back?"

"Uragisa Hitori, had to work with her for a mission."

Shikaku stopped momentarily, staring at the ex-banished Nara on his son's back. The older Nara smirked a bit,"Yoshino would be glad to see her again."

Shikamaru looked a bit confused,"Mom knows Uragisa?"

His Father didn't answer him, instead began walking towards the house. Sighing loudly, he glanced between Uragisa and Shikaku before catching up to the Jounin,"What a drag..."


"SHIKAMARU!! JUST WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG TO GRAB GROCERIES! YOU LAZY-" A woman with long, dark brown in a low ponytail with three strands framing her face, fair skin and dark eyes. She wore a pink blouse and dark-coloured skirt along with an apron over it, along with simple hoop earrings.

Yoshino froze, with a pan hanging in the air, blinking repeatedly at not two, but three people. The last person, not a stranger to her. She had just seen her that afternoon, she raised her eyebrow at the sight of Hitori in her Son's arms,"Hisa?!"

The young Nara raised an eyebrow at his Mother,"Hisa?" Than he glanced at Hitori,"I thought she said her name was Hitori."

The dark brown haired woman laughed nervously,"I-I mean, Hitori. She just looks so much like a friend of mine named Hisa."

Shikamaru didn't seem to buy it, but shrugged it off,"Whatever..." Just because he brushed it off, doesn't mean he wasn't interested.

Gaining an irk mark, Yoshino lifted up her frying pan,"What did you say?!"

"Nothing..." The genin Nara answered, before yawning.

"Shikamaru, why don't you put Hitori down?" Shikaku suggested.

Adjusting the 12 year old on his back, Shikamaru nodded as he climbed the stairs to his room. Making sure that the Nara made it in his room, Yoshino glanced worriedly at Shikaku,"Where did you find her, Shikaku?"

Her husband sighed,"I didn't find her. Shikamaru was already walking towards the house with Hisa on his back," Rubbing the back of his neck, he stared at the direction Hitori was,"You saw her earlier today?"

Yoshino nodded her head, a frown notable on her face,"Hisa had some minor injures and a big cut on her forearm from her mission. She didn't want to go to the hospital, so I had to patch her up myself."

"Heh. At least she talked to you. Last time I saw her, she was slapping my hand away and snapping at me," Shikaku grumbled, unconscious rubbing his hand as he remembered the pain.

His wife smacked his head,"Don't complain Shikaku! You did provoked her to whack you around!" Not yelling as loud as usual, hoping not to wake the sleeping child under their roof.

The Head of the Clan massaged the pain flaring on his head,"Yes, dear..." He admitted begrudgingly.

"It's been seven years since we saw her," Yoshino sighed out,"She's grown so much since we've seen her."

The Jounin Commander agreed with her,"It has been seven years, dear. She changed her name, dyed her hair black, patted the her spikes down with hair gel, and refuses to use the Clan's known Justus unless in dire need to. Hisa is trying to turn herself into less of a Nara."

The woman raised her eyebrow at her husband,"Trying?"

Shikaku crossed his arms,"She may be able to hide her Nara appearances, and drop the surname entirely, but whether she likes it or not she is still a Nara. Hisa still acts like one of us, her laziness and smarts."

"She did inherit her father's laziness. I still remember, he's even lazier than you are Shikaku."

The couple laughed at the memory of Hisa's Father being smacked by Hitori (Hisa's Mother, remember she took up her mother's name).

Meanwhile, upstairs in Shikamaru's room. The Pineapple head was placing the black bundle on his bed, tucking her into his dark green sheets. Glancing up at her, the lazy boy wiped away a strand of black hair away from her face,"Troublesome woman."

The young Nara froze when he saw her move a bit. Hitori's eyelid opened half way. Two pairs of hazel eyes met each other. The black haired girl tilted her head a bit and mumbled out an inaudible word.


Uragisa reach out her two arms, and with quick motions, roughly pulled Shikamaru down,"Woah!"

The boy found himself laying beside Hitori as two soft arms wrapped around him. The ex-banished ninja nuzzled her face into his neck. The Pineapple's face flushed as he felt her breath bounce off his skin. Goose bumps appeared on his skin, as she continued to move closer to him,"...Mr. Pillow," The younger between the two mumbled.

Gazing upon the sleeping form of Hitori, the Nara heir smiled softly,"Troublesome woman,"Deer boy yawned loudly, not even fighting when his eyelids began to fall.

As the night continued on, inside a small room in the Nara compound, you could see two people sleeping together. Arms and legs tangled together, as they both slept peacefully through the night. Not knowing what trouble next morning would bring.

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