Chapter 14

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"-ad to escort this drunk bastard named Tazuna. He was so mean and kept making fun of my height y'know!" Naruto sat next to me, slurping on some noodles as he explained his first C-ranked, more like A-ranked, mission. How the heck did a C-rank mission jump to a A-rank again!?!!?! Has the Old Man finally lost it?

"Tazuna said I won't be able to make it to Hokage, but just wait and see,"The brat pointed his chopsticks at the Hokage faces',"One Day my face will be up there!!  The greatest Hokage! Than everyone will respect me!"

Sighing deeply, I smacked my hand down on his gold locks,"Yea yea kid. When that day come you better rub it into the jerk's face," I suggested as I messed with his hair.

Rascal pouted,"Hi-chan," He whined, pushing my hand off his head,"That messes up my hair!"

Smirking lightly, I brushed his complaint off,"Just finish your ramen, brat. And stop calling me that, the names Uragisa Hitori."

"No way! How about you stop calling me that! I'm a year older than you!" Naruto growled.

"I'll stop when you," I poked his chest,"Stop acting like a child, ne?"

We glared playfully at each other before blowing up into laughter. Naruto stopped abruptly,"Ne, Hi-chan?"

Inwardly, I deadpanned, Kid won't stop calling me by that stupid nickname.... Bothersome.."Hm?"

The kid wiggled in his seat,"W-will you be there?" The child asked.

I raised an eyebrow at him,"Whatcha mean brat?"

Naruto blushed slightly, he glanced away from me,"W-Will you be there... when I become Hokage?"

My eyes widen, than I chuckled. I see that's what he wanted to ask me. What a weird kid.

Intertwining my fingers in his yellow hair, I smiled,"Ma, I wouldn't miss it for the world, kid!"

Spiky Blond's face lit up like a Christmas tree,"Really?!" He took hold of both of my hands, ocean eyes sparkled with hope.

"Hai, hai," I promised. This is a promise I'll never break, even if it kills me.

"YATTA!!!" Naruto cheered, jumping up from his seat.

Pulling his ear down, so his behind sat back on the stool. I scolded him,"Don't be too loud, kid. You'll end up breaking my eardrums," I teased.


"For the 43rd time, stop calling me that. The name's Uragisa Hitori."

Naruto ignored me and continued on"-What happened this morning to you anyways? You were kinda mad earlier."

My eyebrow twitched, and the chopsticks I held in one hand snapped into two as I recalled what happened that morning.


A ray of sunlight peaked out from the shades, beaming down on my eyes,"...bothersome."

Grumbling slightly, I turned away to shade myself. The sound of a door opening made my ear wiggle.

"Awe, look at them. They look so cute together."

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