Chapter 11

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"So you've found out Hitori's little secret."

Shrugging at him, I mumbled,"It's not like I was hiding it."

The Old Geezer gave me a "Are-You-Kidding" look,"His- Hitori," He corrected after receiving a certain look,"You dyed your hair black, patted it down with hair gel so the signature spikes wouldn't show, chose to take up your mother's name, and made a last name by combing your father's last name with your mother's maiden middle name," He explained, puffing out a cloud of smoke.

Glaring at him, I scoffed,"Yeah, it was bothersome and was all for nothing. Now that they," I gestured at Team Gai,"Know about me."

Intertwining his finger, the Old Man glanced at me,"Team Gai has told me that you saved their sensei by executing a well preformed Shadow Possession Jutsu to stop the attack, than killed the enemy with a fast Shadow Neck Binding Jutsu."

"If I had let the bastard attack, than I'd have to explain to you how he died and everything. It'd be such a drag for me," I justified, placing my hands in my pocket.

Raising an eyebrow at me, the Hokage sighed,"Hitori, we both know the real reason you saved Gai, and it has nothing to do with it being a bother to you," Catching a familiar forehead protector in my hands, I stared down at it,"You wanted to save him like a comrade would."

Tossing back the forehead protector to the Old Smoker, I headed out the door,"Yeah right. I like the sound of my reasoning better, it's less troublesome for me," I narrowed my eyes at Team Gai, as I passed by,"If you even mumble a word of me being a Nara to anyone or anything. I will slit your throats while you're sleeping. You'll know it's me when I cut just deep enough for you to see me before choking on your own blood," I threatened before walking out the room, slamming the door behind me.

Strolling around town, my hands in my pocket clenched. My face filled with irritation and frustration. I winced at the pain flaring on the upper part of my arm,"I forgot about that cut," I grumbled.

Pushing through the pain and hurt coming from my injuries, I continued my way towards my apartment. Ignoring the strange look people were giving me cause I was covered with bits of blood. Kicking a pebble with more force than necessary, I began to complain in my head, I just had to save him. Couldn't have left him to deal with it himself. Now I've screwed up and have to watch those people closely to make sure they wouldn't spill. Great, that's just perfect. This is all so bothersome. Maybe I should've just left and became a missing ninja, this is more- Stopping my thoughts, I froze when I spotted a familiar being standing near the door of my apartment, Great. Just great. Now I have to deal with that troublesome woman. Just pretend she isn't there. Maybe I can still walk away before she spots me.

Quietly turning towards the direction away from my apartment, I slowly started to tip toe away, hoping she hasn't seen me yet. Luck must really hate me, cause I stepped on a stick. Grabbing the woman's attention towards me,"Damn," I grumbled.

"Don't think I don't see you! Come here young lady before I decided to chase you with a frying pan!!"

Sighing deeply, I begrudgingly made my way up the stairs and stood in front of her. Nara Yoshino, wife of Nara Shikaku, and the most bothersome woman to me. Slouching slightly, I picked on my ears,"What are you doing here, Nara-san?"

Not having enough time to dodge, a hard flat metal whacked me behind my head. Rubbing the bump on my head, I grumbled,"Geez, where the heck did she even get that pan from, bothersome woman..."

Yoshino examined me head to toe, before she dropped the pan,"Oh dear! Hisa why didn't you tell me that you were injured."

Shrugging at her, I placed my hand onto the doorknob,"Didn't bother to look before swinging that pan around. Besides it's not like I'm that injured, you're overreacting," Pushing my chakra, waiting for the door to click open.

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