Chapter 6

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My back met the hard wood wall, I crossed my arms in front of my chest,"You haven't done a good job at hiding the jinchuuriki."

The stench of tobacco flooded my nose, I sneered in disgust. Covering my nose with my hand, I waved my other hand around my face to try and clear some of the smell away. I stopped when a deep sigh was heard,"I see you've met Naruto."

"Na-ru-to, huh? The Fourth picked a weird name for his son," I commented, stifling a yawn.

"So you've figured out who his parents are," It wasn't a question, more like a statement.

Raising an eyebrow at the elder Sarutobi, I gave him a certain look as I pointed at myself,"Do I look stupid to you? I'm not blind like those fools you call citizens. Stupid people you've been housing Old Smoker."

Another could of smoke made it's way towards me,"Hitori, the villagers are blinded by hate now, but in time they will change. They will see that Naruto isn't to be feared, he will be seen as a hero."

Scoffing, I stood up straight,"You've grown much more naive along with age, Old Man."


"So kid, what's your name?" I questioned the brat that pulled me.

"I'm not a kid! Imma be Hokage one day! BELIEVE IT!"

My eye twitched,"Oh, I believe it alright. Believe that you're the loudest person I've met so far," I grumbled,"Why do you want to be Hokage so badly anyways shorty?"

Spiky groaned in annoyance,"Stop calling me that! I'm not short! Just wait, I'll be Hokage! Than you and everyone else will acknowledge me!"

Taking in a deep breath, I face palmed,"Brat! I'm talking to you aren't I? So of course I acknowledge you."

The boy stopped moving, he looked at me with wide eyes. Light blue met dark brown, hope filled eyes met anguished eyes,"D-Do you really mean it?" The brat asked quietly.

Tugging my wrist from his grip, I placed my hand on his head,"I'm not changing my mind," I declared, giving him a brief smile, before it was replaced with a usual frown,"Now where is that place you were yapping about? I'm getting hungry, shorty!"

His eyes were suddenly filled with rage,"I'm not short!! Stop calling me that!! You're shorter than me!!"

Chuckling lightly, I flicked his forehead,"I'll stop when you grow big and tall," I spoke before walking ahead of him.

"Hey! Wait for me!!"

End Flashback

"Let's be honest here, they still want him dead," I said bluntly. Pulling on my coat, I glanced at the Hokage,"Listen Sarutobi, those idiots out there. They're not like us ninjas. We know the difference between the beast itself and a container. Which brings me to my other questions," I slammed my hand against the wall behind me,"Why the hell didn't any of the clans adopt him?!!? Or what the heck were you thinking when you announce to the whole village that he was the jinchuuriki right after the nine-tails attack!?!?!"

"Minato wanted his son to be seen as a hero, Hitori. He had hoped that the village would be able to see past the beast sealed inside his son."

"That answers that question, but what about the other?"

The Old Man inhaled a cloud of smoke,"The citizen council has declined anyone from adopting Naruto."

Furrowing my eyebrow, I frowned deeply,"I knew those damn council people were nothing but trouble," I mumbled under my breath, before heading towards the open window.

"Hitori," I glanced back at the Old Man,"You're family haven't seen you since you've arrived. Will you be staying with them?"

Sitting on the edge of the window, I laughed bitterly,"What family are you talking about Hokage. My parents died when I was five years old," I commented resentfully,"I don't have anybody here to see."

"I see. I hope you change your mind, Hitori. Everyone has missed you these past seven years."

My hands grabbed the fabric of my pants, gripping it tightly as memories from years before began to resurface.

A picture of a lonely girl sitting on a swing was seen. Whispers and murmurs from that day was heard in my head.

"She killed her own family?"

"Don't go near her, hon."



"I didn't do it...." A quiet voice protested.

A kid with long hair held a stuffed bunny in one hand, the other wiping away stranded tears. The child stared at the happy families that walked by her, clutching the toy in her hand tighter.

"Haha! Daddy higher!"

"But Mom! I don't wanna leave yet!"

"Daddy, Mommy, look at me! I did it!"

Sitting in front of a sadden five year old, a man and his wife looked at her guilty,"The council has decided that you must be banished from the village."

The black haired child stood up,"But! You're the clan head! Can't you just say no?!"

"They over threw me, I was outnumbered. The elders voted for you to be executed, but I was able to overrule those orders."

"I don't wanna leave!" The child cried out.

The clan head and his wife stood up,"We're sorry.... I didn't want it to end up this way, but it's for the good of the clan," The man looked down at me with regret," _______ _____, you are hereby exiled from this clan," With those words said, the couple left the girl alone, tears falling down her face.

"Don't talk to me about them missing me. They should've thought it through before they decided to banish me. Let's face it Old Man. That clan was happy to get rid of me."

"Hitori, that isn't true. We both know it isn't."

"Yeah right. You're just saying that. Every single one of my family and friends thought I was the criminal. They thought if they threw me away, it would make everything better," I sighed deeply,"Even if you cleared my name and called me back to this underworld of a village. It doesn't mean I'm just going to forgive and forget. You, along with everyone else, can't erase what you've done to me. So stop pretending that the last seven years didn't happen! Stop pretending that you care! Face it already, you, along with everyone I knew, abandoned me! The village had me banished for something I didn't even do," I growled,"Let's make another thing clear here. I'm not your godchild! I'm not anything to you! You forfeited that right a long time ago, Sarutobi! You called me here for a reason! Now are you going to give me a mission or will you just leave me alone!"Receiving no answer, I frowned,"I guess you just wanted to talk about my life. Nothing important, what I waste of time," I spat out, before jumping onto the platform in front of me,"Don't bother me unless it's a mission, Sarutobi. I ain't anyone you need to concern yourself with," I said before leaping onto other roofs, away from the Old Man's office.

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