Chapter 12

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Jumping over roof after roof, I watched as the sun began to dip further down the horizon. I landed gently on the soft grass, the tips lightly tickling my knees. I haven't seen this place in years. It's still the same as always.

Strolling slowly towards my destination, I stopped at a familiar training ground. Hands in my pocket softly curled up into a ball, as my face turned into a small smile. The breeze nuzzled my cheeks, ruffled my clothes, and touched my dyed black locks. I glanced up towards the sky and noticed that it was now shades of black with tints of white glowing afar. This place...

Taking a few more steps, I sat down and laid my back against a tree. This place...

The twinkling of the stars grabbed my attention, the alinement of the different balls of gas glimmered in the distance. Is the place...

A small laughter of a child tore my attention from the night sky. Peaking at the used to be empty training grounds, there was a girl, who was about 4 years old, smiling as she held two adult. Reminiscing through the events that happened that day, tugged the corners of my mouth.

"Mama! Mama! Look, it's the Big Dipper up there!!" Small fingers reached out towards the sky,"It's soo pretty!!"

The woman's laughter pulled at my heart,"Yes, you're right Hisa. Those stars are beautiful. Like the small shimmer of hope in the darkness of the night."

A man's hand larger than his daughters head, ruffled the dark brown strands,"You're so smart Hisa."

Thrilled by all the praises she received, the young child's grin widened,"Of course Daddy! I have to be smart if I wanna be a good ninja."

The Father looked surprised for a minute, than stared at his daughter with soft eyes,"Hisa, you don't have to be smart to be a good ninja."


The man nodded his head,"Being a good ninja isn't all about the skill, power, or brains."

"What does it mean than, Dad?"

Together with my late father's voice. I repeated what I learned that day,"To be a good ninja. It means to be able to protect the precious things to you," I mumbled under my breath, as the scene before me continued on.

Hisa's Father pulled his wife into his arms,"Like your mother, the village, and,"Lifting the four years old up with his other arm, he smiled at her,"Of course you, Hisa."

"But, dad?" The younger Hisa called out.

"Yes, dear?"

"Why do you always call everything troublesome, if it's precious to you?" The girl questioned.

The Father chuckled nervously, as the Mother laughed. Hisa looked a it confused before giggling along with her parents, after all laughter is contagious. Where...

I watched as my younger self was filled with joy and happiness. Feeling something wet reach my fingertips, I pulled them up. Dark brown eyes widen in shock as red liquid ran down my fingers. My parents...


Snapping my head at the direction of the scream, I stared at the bloody mess area in front of me. Red splashes dyed the green and brown scenery. Two bodies were tangled together at the center of the training grounds. A brown haired girl covered in blood stood above the bodies,"MOMMY!!! DADDDY!!!" Died...

Crouching down, Hisa tried to pull on the weapons embedded in her parents bodies. Kunais and shurikens were thrown into different directions, the child frantically called out the her parents. Hoping, that they were still alive and well,"Mommy!! Daddy!!!"

Hearing the crunch of grass, I glanced beside me to see a man with a symbol of a sound forehead protector. My body went rigid at the familiar face. The younger me stopped, frozen still, as she stared at the man with saucer eyes. The four year old stumbled back, and landed on her butt. The murder who killed my parents smirked,"Look what we got here. A little kid, I should have a bit of fun before killing her as well."

Hugging myself, I flinch at the pained voice echoing throughout the training grounds. Suddenly the screams stopped, I glanced up to see a dead body dropping to the ground. There stood Hisa covered in cuts, glaring down at the man below her, she made a few hand signs. The shadow attached to the brown haired girl circled around the dead body, and swallowed it into the darkness. My first kill...

Holding back a flinch, empty dark brown eyes looked back at me. Staring at me, into the depths of my soul. Covering my ears with both hands, fingers dragging through my black locks. I shook my head frantically, shoving the unwanted memory to the back of my mind, locking it up and throwing the keys. As the image of the bloody field, dead bodies, and blank Hisa disappeared from view.

Green and brown over powered the red scenery screwing with my mind. The night sky trailed back into my sight, my body covered in a thin layer of sweat. Raggedly breathing, as the sounds of the screams still echoed through my ears. Though my eyes stopped playing tricks on me, my body refused to calm down. Clutching my chest, pain filled my core,"D-damn it..."

My whole being froze at the feeling of a hand on my shoulder. Catching my flinch, I hesitantly turned my head towards the being. Eyes widen at the sight of a familiar face,"Oi! Are you alright, Uragisa?" A indifference tone, with a hint of genuine concern, spoke out.

"N-Nara?" I stuttered out,"What are you doing here?"

Lifting up a bag of groceries, the Nara heir grumbled,"It's Shikamaru, and my mom ordered me to grab ingredients for dinner, troublesome woman."

At the mention of Yoshino, I glanced away from him, folding my legs into my chest. Hearing a deep sigh, I looked up at the source,"It'd be a drag, but..." Shikamaru scratched the back of his neck as he sat down next to me,"What's wrong with you?"

Slightly opening my mouth to answer, I stopped in my tracks and frowned. The memories from before held me back from speaking. Fear and anxiety began to fill me up, but paused at the sound of a warm voice,"Uragisa, you still there?" Scoffing lightly, Shikamaru stood up,"Troublesome woman, if you don't wanna talk I'm leaving," The Nara started to walk away.

Feeling the need of comfort, and the fear of being alone, I raced forwards and tackled the pineapple to the ground,"What the-?!!?!" Shikamaru exclaimed as arms wrapped around his abdomen.

The bag of food flew into the air as we tumbled onto the hard ground,"Hey! Get off, you're heavy."

Burying my face into his fishnet shirt, I hugged him tightly,"D-don't leave me..." I pleaded quietly,"I don't wanna be alone..."

The Nara huffed loudly, before I felt a hand patting my back,"Geez, what a drag."

Indifference dark brown eyes met with wide glassy eyes, my tears threatened to roll down my face. Shikamaru inhaled deeply before wiping a strand tear with the pad of his thumb,"Let it out, Hitori."

Clutching his clothes tightly in my hands, I broke out in sobs. My screams and yells of my anger, sadness, and frustration, rebounded all over the training ground,"WAHHHH WAAAAAA!!!!!!"

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