Chapter 4

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Our young protagonist continued to sleep on the wave of green grass. Her black hair clashed with the bright color, her clothing bunched up with shreds of grass on them. The young girl's face had a small smile, mumbling and grumbling in her sleep. As her nap continued, the smile started to turn into a frown and her eyes scrunched together. With a small cry, she jumped up from her sleep, sweat glistening on her body. Hitori slowed her breathing down, one hand clutching her chest,"Damn it..."

Calming herself down, she gripped the grass tighter. Taking in a deep breath, she looked around and picked up a gold senbon. Instead of placing the weapon back in her mouth, she watched as the tool glimmered in bright yellow. Chocolate brown eyes widen, shock evident on her face. The black haired girl huffed than lunged back, feeling the grass tickle her clothing. Hitori looked up at the orange yellowish sky,"You aren't really hiding your presence."

"I wasn't trying to."

Hitori glanced back a bit, a boy that looked about a year older with dark brown eyes, and spiky pineapple hair stood by a tree,"What are you doing out so late Nara-san?"

The young Nara heir raised his eyebrow,"So you know who I am, but I'm at a disadvantage."

She scoffed,"Your clan symbol is engraved on your jacket," Hitori picked herself off the plain grass and took a few steps,"I think I'll keep the advantage I have on you, Nara."

"It's Shikamaru," He replied.

The ex-banished ninja waved her hand in dismissal,"Nara. Whats the difference?" She retorted before continuing on her way,"Ja ne, Nara-san,"Without waiting for an answer, the black haired girl leaped into the trees, disappearing from Shikamaru's line of sight.

"Troublesome woman," The shadow genin mumbled, laying where she was before.

Addressed person stood behind a tree a few feet from where she left. Peaking at the boy she left behind, she inspected him from afar,"The young Nara heir huh? Shikaku's son. He's grown a bit, inherited his father's laziness. If possible, he's more lazier than his old man," After a few speculations, she gained an irk mark on her face and clutched a fist in front of her,"Wait a minute. That brat disturbed my relaxation time! Why I oughta put him throu a pile of nails for this!! I'll disassemble his body-"

Hitori stopped ranting when she heard a cry from above. Looking up at the evening sky, she noticed a bird circling over her. Biting down on the tool in her mouth, she stuffed her hands in her pockets,"What a bothersome day.." Not wasting a second more, the young girl vanished in a swirl of leaves.

Appearing the Hokage, Uragisa stood hunched over,"Need something Old Smoker?"

"Hitori-chan, how was your day in the village? Adjusting well, I hope."

Chocolate eyes dully looked at the old man, the young girl shrugged in response,"Does it matter? I'll never enjoy my stay in this village," Hitori responsed.

Puffing out a cloud of smoke, he placed his pipe down,"Hitori-chan, I wished you wouldn't view the village that way."

Hands clenched in their respected pockets, teeth grinding together,"Don't scold me like some little kid that needs to be taught right from wrong."

"Hitori-chan, you're not being treated as a child. Is it so wrong for me to get reacquainted with my godchild?" Sarutobi questioned.

"Yeah, it is. After all, I don't have a godfather. You must be mistaken me for someone else," The young black girl retorted.

The Hokage sighed before settling back into his seat,"I understand," Pushing an envelope forwards, Hitori picked the container up,"This is a mission I'd like you to complete."

Pulling out a set of papers, eyes peeked at the old man in front of her before skimming through the words,"It's a D-ranked mission."

"Yes, child it is."

"A mission with a Nara, Yamanaka, Akimichi, and Sarutobi."

"As it states, Hitori-chan."

Holding the paper on the left top conner, she titled her head, black locks falling sideways,"You're asking me to go to a stupid mission with other people?" She received a nod,"Nope, no thanks. I'll have to pass Old Man. I have better thinks to do than to follow a Smoker Jr., a loud mouth Yamanaka, a black hole Akimichi, and a good for nothing Nara."

"The mission will allow you to interact with other ninjas your age."

"I don't lack interaction with people. For your information I am very sociable," Uragisa argued.

"You took a nap right after fighting with Ibiki and talking to me," The Old Smoker pointed out.

"You spied on me after stalking those poor children? How could you? What if I was taking a bath instead? You're such a pervert... Thou I'm not surprised considering your collection of Icha Icha Paradise you think you've hidden well."

"H-How do you know - That's besides the point Hitori-chan. You've already met Nara Shikamaru earlier today."

"Met and judged. I don't like him."

The Hokage sighed deeply, picking his pipe back up. Dealing with Uragisa Hitori was harder than he thought,"Hitori-chan, it's only for one mission-"

"It's one mission now than one hundred later, Old Smoker," Hitori commented. She glanced out at the village,"To me, it's not worth all the trouble."

"Hitori-chan, it's just one mission."

"I'd rather take a suicide mission than work with the team you've got planned out," The twelve year old girl threw the stack of papers in front of the Kage.

"Hear me out. Having you there, you could show these genins the ropes."

"Ain't that why Smoker Jr. is there?"

"Yes, but having another person to guild them helps as well."

Glancing between the Old man and the envelope, Hitori sighed,"Alright, alright," She resigned herself,"I'll do it, but it doesn't mean that I'll enjoy it," Picking up the papers once more, she began to read more about the team she'll be accompanying.

"Hitori-chan, if I was your godfather. I would be glad to see you doing well for yourself, and proud to see how much you've grown into such a fine young woman."

"Whatever Old Man," Hitori waved her hand in dismissal, but inside his words felt nice. The black haired girl disappeared in sparks of blue thunder before the Hokage could add anything more.

Sarutobi Hiruzen sat on his desk, staring at the place that once occupied by a young girl. He than glanced down at another file and sighed,"She didn't even let me finish. That girl, still the same as ever."

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