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Hi guys how are you doing? I hope y'all oldie readers and new readers enjoy this fiction . it's been almost a year since this story ended and I still miss this fiction sometime that's why I come here to say hi. I re-read this fiction again and found so many mistakes and flaws I just realized that I'm still lacking a lot but I really want to thank you guys for putting up with me throughout the whole story . I just realized that there are so many things for me to learn I thought I was good enough but actually I was never good but you guys being so well considerate for not saying anything because it might upset me I'm really thankful for your understanding and consideration.

I love writing and the reason why I want to write is I want to make people happy sad moved and feel all kind of emotions while reading what I write . As an author what I want the most is the responses I want to know what kind of impact does my writing have on you and so far this fiction received pretty good responses I'm really happy because of that. Sometime when I felt like quitting because I was tired your compliments your responses gave me strength to keep on doing it. You guys are one of the reasons why I can continue writing despite the fact that it's tiring. This is how important readers are to authors we aren't after fame we just want people to acknowledge our writing and our story .

Lately I've been so down because I've finally came up with something interesting well it's not really 100% original because the story was inspired by a certain Chinese drama I've watched but it's not the same like copy and paste just the concept that is similar . I found the drama interesting that's why I decided to write another fiction with something similar to that concept and actually I expected a lot from it because the drama itself was amazing I thought a lot people would look forward to the story because I didn't even try hard for my previous fictions but they still did well so I really thought that if I give my all to this new fiction I would get a very satisfying responses but my expectation was miserably crashed it was completely opposite that fiction barely has readers .I've tried my best to keep it alive but It only goes down sometime I just want to quit because that fiction consume so much efforts and times to write but it barely get noticed. I felt tired I wanted to stop numerous times and to these days I'm still debating whether to continue or not .

Whenever I write it in the draft I always ask myself '' who am I even writing for?'' I always feel like crying when I think of that question . As I was stressing out so many questions came up '' Am I losing track with my writing? '' Are my readers busy that's why they can't read it?'' '' Have they forgotten about me ?'' '' Can I really continue writing at this rate?'' I can't help but to feel down to feel bad to feel exhausted because my only source of strengths is not here for me. I'm not after fame all I want is to make sure that what I write reach other people because that the only way to prove that I'm not completely useless I can make people happy sad and nervously looking forward to what I have up my sleeve for them .

Right now I'm just hoping that my ongoing fiction ''THE IMMORTALS AND THE LOST STAR'' would do as well as '' WHEN DID I START LOVING YOU?'' . I hope that my hard works won't be in vain and put to waste after all the tiring nights of writing and trying to come up with something new. I really hope my efforts would reach people as far as possible .

And lastly I want to say thank you to those people who have always been there for me through those hard times . Without them I wouldn't be here I wouldn't be anywhere AUTHOR Diinaa doesn't exist without them. I'm really thankful for that and I hope they will continue to be my company for a long time.

~~thank you ~~

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