~~Chapter 43~~

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Everyone is in hospital in Seoul right now waiting for Chorong outside the x-ray room . SeBaekMi are sitting on the chairs waiting patiently meanwhile Suho looks like he's going to die right now he can't even sit and calm himself down.

"She gonna be okay right ?" Bomi who is worried about Chorong asked Baekhyun

"She will be okay don't worry..." Baekhyun replied

"But Suho hyung is not?" Sehun said in poker face

"What?" Baekhyun and Bomi surprised with Sehun's words

"Look at him , he looks like a man who wait for his pregnant wife in an emergency room " Sehun pointed to Suho with his lips

Baekhyun and Bomi looked Suho then they looked at each other .

The doctor finally came out of the room then as expected Suho rushed to him .

"Dr.Yoon is she okay? Nothing wrong? did she break her leg? how long will it take for her to recover ? and-" Suho dropped a mistape in front of Dr. Yoon as fast as storm didn't even take a breath.

"Wait please ask one by one , who is her relative?" Dr. Asked

"Me! I'm her husband!" Suho answered in a speed of light

Meanwhile SeBaekMi who were standing beside him jaw dropped and can't believe what they just head

"Ohhh hmm her condition would be really bad but luckily she was found a bit on time and her body got warmed up she didn't catch a cold so her condition is not really bad right now. And she needs some treatments because she injured her arm and sprained her ankle " Dr. told everyone

"Nothing else ? Do we need to do an x-ray for her head or -" Suho can't seem to control himself

"Ahh it's okay she just needs some treatments and she can discharge from hospital tomorrow" Dr. said to calm Suho down

"Ohh really , that's a relief " Suho finally can breath

"But really who found her and how could her body all warmed up in that cold forest like that?" Dr. took turn to ask

"It's him , the whole night they were cuddlin- " Baekhyun almost exposed everything but then got shut up by Suho

"Ohh thank you very much Dr.yoon you've worked hard " Suho changed subject and bow to Dr.

"Ahh that's my job thank you " Dr. said then left them

They all bowed once again . And Suho looks like he finally came to his sense and realized what he has done . And Baekhyun gave Suho a teasing look.

Chorong has already received her treatment and sleeps soundly again because of the injection . All of them got kicked out of Chorong's room by Suho . He told them to go home and rest he'll take care here.

[A/N , the injection i mean is some injection that we got before going under surgery or other treatment sorry idk what it called hope u understand ]

Suho also went home to wash up and came back like thunder . He sits beside Chorong bed looking at her silently . As he was looking at her his hand unknowingly reaches to Chorong face and caresses her cheek .

The look that he gives Chorong right now is some look that Chorong used to see ...... once......... not really once......... can be a lot .....somewhere.........

Sorry for grammar and vocab mistakes . Hope you understand and like it ~~


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