~~Chapter 39~~

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"CHORONG WAKE UPPPP!!!" I shook her shoulder and kept screaming but she is still not awake

Then i had no choice so i just held her up and placed her on my back. I piggyback her and try to climb up the hill but it's too high i can't walk up while having her on my back so i looked around and try to find another way .

I walked through a path that filled with trees flowers and grass , i feel like I've ever seen this scenery somewhere geez i don't know whatever now i need to quickly find the way back because it's already getting dark.

Time has passed and the night has came . And i still can't find the way to the camp . Am i lost?

"Yah Park Chorong how long are you going to stay like this" i mumbled
"..."No response

Until now i realized it already night time and my phone battery is dead . I arrived at the water fall somewhere then put Chorong down and she is still not wake up I'm getting more nervous.

I'm really tired right now but Chorong is still not awake so i check her backpack . I found a small towel then rushed to the water . I dived the tower in the water then came back .

I wipe away the dirts on her face and blood on her scratch . It's really cold here , Chorong's face look so pale and it breaks my heart .

"since it already night time so let's just sleep here and find the way back tomorrow " i said to myself

I sit under a big tree then take off my jacket . I pulled chorong near me now we sit and lean our back on the tree side by side and put my jacket on her body .

her head fell on my shoulder. I look at her pale face and she frown in pain . The night is deepem and getting colder .

I'm afraid chorong condition will get worse so i wrap my arm around her shoulder and hold her tight her head automatically land on my chest .

I caress her face and fondle her scratch softly . I don't know why but seeing her in this condition really breaks my heart and having her in my embrace like this i feel like something unknowingly buried in my heart start rising up .


Suho cuddles chorong in his embrace with love that he himself doesn't even know what is he doing and what's wrong ?

Suho started to fall asleep silently and land his head on chorong's . This is the first time that they're staying close like this .

But chorong why does she still not wake up ? She should have woken up by now because she just fall from hill and scratched her forehead and other small wounds ... what happened!?

"No, no,no" chorong groaned
"Chorong chorong-ah are you awake ? " Suho who was sleeping heard chorong and he woke up .

"..." Chorong is quite once again
"Chorong park chorong are you awake?" Suho pat her cheek and asked but no response so he just tightened the hug and sleep again

What was that? chorong woke up or she just said that to someone ? wait for next chapter :)

sorry for making all of you waiting so long now i'm back i'll try to update more often~~ sorry for grammar and vocab mistakes hope you understand...~~


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