~~Chapter 3~~

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[Author's Pov]
After Suho came to his seat next to Baekhyun , they both greet each other and become close immediately maybe because of there similar personality .....

Suho didn't notice that there is someone behind him who is planing some evil things on him and he didn't even notice that she is the girl he met yesterday .

[Chorong's Pov]
I sit behind Suho and i give him dead glare while planing evil things and i smirked it seem like my plan will go smoothly as what i expect....😈😈😈😈
"You deserve it " i said inside and suddenly Baekhyun turn his head to Bomi who sits next to me and said

"Yah , you fatty see , I got a desk mate within a month now you lost wow how shame " Baekhyun said and laughed happily while Bomi nearly jump to hit his face :/
"......*😒😒😒* " Bomi doesn't reply back she just give Baekhyun a *whatever I don't care face*

*Break time*
[Suho's Pov]
It's not a day yet but I got a new friend , his name is Baekhyun 😎😎😎😎
Now it's break time I and Baekhyun stand up and about to go to the cafeteria suddenly two girls walk passed our desk and one of them stare at me (almost dead glare) then she smirked and walked out of the classroom .

I'm frozen I can't move she is pretty but when she stare at me her eyes are scary omo what have I done to her ? She dare stare at me ? Aiisss

*at cafeteria*
While I was eating with Baekhyun suddenly
I heard someone hit something and fall down I quickly turn my head and I saw the girl who give me a dead glare a moment ago grabbed someone collar and say something but I can't heard , until now I realized that she is similar to the girl I met yesterday and assume that she is that girl Ohh that why she stare at me ......

Omo she might planing something on me , I have to be careful ....

*Sorry there is something error with this chapter now I fixed it , hope you understand ^^*


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