~~Chapter 27~~

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After Suho stopped the car Chorong almost bumped forward , but luckily suho held her at the right time she just bumped forward a little bit. But Chorong seems really shocked and startled .

"............" Chorong still hasn't came back to her sense

"are you okay ? are you hurt anywhere ? is your neck okay?" Suho looked at Chorong and asked her in shocked

"Rrr hmm I'm okay  " Chorong answered with shaken voice

"are you sure you didn't hurt anywhere ?" Suho grabbed Chorong's shoulder and checked carefully

"Rrr I'm really okay" Chorong answered while avoiding eyes contact becasue she feel fluttered 

"What was that? " Suho said and looked in front of the car but his hand is still on Chorong's shoulder

"I think it was an animal " Chorong said and looked in front then turned her face to Suho

"Why?" suho asked in doubt

"Hand" Chorong looked at suho's hand on her shoulder and said

"Hand ? ah oh i forgot " Suho surprised with what he was doing and quickly took his hand off

No one know what just happened but they both are fluttered and totally awkward . Especially Chorong, suho action a moment ago shocked her a lot .

A sudden brake startled her but not as much as what suho did he was really quick to reach his arm toward her and held her very tight as if someone was trying to take her from him and even asked her again and again if she is okay or not ......


we still haven't arrived home yet because of the traffic jam. Right now in the car is totally awkward and silent . I don't know why but i feel heated up all over my body . I can't help but looking outside the window


I didn't say anything and suho just focused on driving

Oh my lord when will we get home T.T


Chorong's body is covered up with heat and awkwardness , she's just looking outside the window and tries to act normal

She isn't aware that Suho keeps sneaking glance at her while driving .

Chorong is not the only one who was shocked because of what happened suho was too but he is not shocked because of an animal passed by the car , he shocked because he thought he hurt Chorong

In this moment , their head filled of question marks and doubts
And finally they arrived home .

The rain is still falling as soon as Suho stopped the car Chorong rushed outside and ran under the rain into the house.


After finished dinner , Chorong washed the dishes and Suho went up to take bath after he's done he came down.

Chorong after saw suho came down she head to the room . Tonight she has been avoiding eyes contact with suho again and again .

"What's wrong with her ? why is she so silent ?" Suho asked himself after he has had enough of Chorong's strange behaviors


I'm done taking shower and prepared for bed . As soon as my back touched with the bed i closed eyes and tried to sleep but

"Omo!!? "
"are you okay ? Are you hurt anywhere? is your neck okay? "
"Rrr hmm I'm okay"

"are you sure you didn't hurt anywhere?"
"Rrr I'm really okay"

"Hand? ah oh i forgot"

that moment is still popping in my head and i can't sleep .
I pulled the blanket , covered my head and body tried stop thinking and tried to sleep even if I'm not sleepy~~-,-

hello anyone here? today i would like to ask you guys something? have you ever feel annoyed by my story? if my story is too bad and bored to read, i have no idea i will just stop update it. Tbh these day i'm freaking busy with my school works and other things but i try to make my time to update because i don't want those people who supported my story feel bad and tired because of waiting for me. And if there any people who hate my story, you can just ignore it because i write it only for people who love and support my fanfic!!!

Sorry for grammar and vocab mistakes hope you understand^^


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