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*Few days later*

"When will you take this thing off ? how long do we need to keep walking ? And where is this?...... " I asked Suho who has been dragging me to somewhere and even put blindfold to cover my eyes .

"Your majesty please calm down we are almost there...~ " Suho said while leading me .

I stay silent and let him drags me like a kid.

"Ok we're here ...... are you ready ? I'm going to take this off ~~~......... " Suho said and then he started to take that blindfold off

Oh my godd what is this ?? this is like somewhere I've seen in my dream but it looks way nicer now .

"What is this? When did you prepare all this? " i asked him as i see all the decoration of flowers like an aisle in the church and the view of the sea in front of us . There are also lot of trees here and grasses .

Hundred of roses arranged into letters and it says 'I LOVE YOU' . I'm so touched with this . This is my first time receiving this words from him .


She's standing in front of me staring at the roses that arranged into word I LOVE YOU . i slowly approach and back hug her then i whisper into her ear .

"I love you" i softly whispered into her ear

She turns her back so i loosen my hug but my arms still wrap around her waist

"Suho-ah~" She is just speechless right now

"We were loving each other in the past and this present we are still loving each other. No wonder I've never realize 'when did i start loving you?' because we were already in love with each other hundred years ago and we just met after years but I'm glad that our love is remaining strong and never fade away . In the PAST our love live was miserable , this PRESENT after facing various obstacles we are finally can sleep in the each other arms , and i may not know what will happened in the FUTURE or i don't want to know but i will make sure that my love for you will never fade away and it will remaining strong and stronger FOREVER AND EVER ...... I LOVE YOU~~ PARK CHORONG ~~ " I said this with all my heart while looking into her eyes .

"...... me too ...... I LOVE YOU KIM JUNMYEON~~ " She is so touched she can't seem to say anything beside this .

I smile as she said then i lean closer to her while looking into her eyes when our faces are only centimeters away she closed her eyes . I place my lips on hers and softly make a move , then I started to close my eyes . After few seconds, she wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me back . We're slowly and softly kissing each other , we can still hear the sound of waves and winds around us and it make us don't want to break this kiss. I just want to kiss her like this forever . I'll never get sick of kissing this thin and soft lip , never ever.......~~

'When did i start loving you?' - i don't know when but i guess maybe thousands years ago . When and how that's is not important now because you are here with me right here in my arms . Having you stay by my side is more than enough for me i have no more to ask for . So just stay right here beside me that's enough ......thank you for your existing~~



Yoohoo finally i can let this fiction go . Damn I'm getting emotional with my own writing lol . Anyway i want to say thank you to all the readers who have been following my fiction from the beginning until now and giving me so much supports . I didn't expect my fiction to be read by many people like this thank you so much . I wrote this fiction with my heart and mind and i hope all of you will also read it with your heart and remember it forever .

Copy right reserved 'WHEN DID START LOVING YOU?' write by DiiNaa . If you want to put this fiction on other website or something else please take out with full credit thank you. i love you yeorobun ^^

And one more

REAL or NOT We support them
Happy #Surongday

Those glances those smiles, we can tell what's happening
If you're dating, we wish you would continue your relationship and staying strong Forever, we wish that bond will never be broken SHORTIES will be here supporting SURONG until the end ❤❤

[A/N] please anticipate  my upcoming fantasy fanfiction of Chanyeol . the first chapter will be released once GIRL X FRIEND reach its final chapter . please support and give a lot of love to my fictions. please vote and comment because those mean so much for a writer like me . pls look forward to it thank you i love y'all ❤


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