~~chapter 46~~

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It has been a week since they both didn't go to school with the help of SeBaekMi lying everyone that Suho also injured that's why he can't attend school and he rest at hospital blah blah blah......... to cut down the suspicions

Suho has been staying home taking care of Chorong the whole week and Chorong's injuries get a lot better now .

Chorong is folding clothes in her room while waiting for Suho . It's already 9 pm and Suho still not come back after he went outside this evening left Chorong alone at home .


I was folding Suho's and my clothes in my room and suddenly i feel uneasy and worried because Suho went out since the evening and now it's already 9pm he hasn't came back .

I'm sure that he isn't stuck in traffic jam because this evening he took a cab instead of driving his car out i don't know why too .

I can't stay still so i went to wait for him downstairs . I want to call him but i can't seem to do that . As i was waiting time has passed now it's already 11pm the worst is it's raining .

'Nothing happened right ?' i asked myself

Whenever he come home late he always told me ahead or called me but what happened today ?...... what should i do ? as I'm getting more and more worried i lost my patience.

I grabbed an umbrella and went out to look for him . The rain and wind are really strong i almost blown away .

I have hard time trying to walk in the rain because my ankle has not yet fully recovered it's hurt if i walk too fast . I keep looking for him everywhere in this neighborhood i walked back home after 30 minute of searching .

As i was 20m away from the house i saw someone lying down on the ground in front of the gate the rain is too strong so i can't see really well . So i sped up even if it hurt, then when i almost reach the gate i can clearly him

"SUHO!" i screamed with shock I let go of my umbrella and ran to him .

"Suho-ah what happened ? why are you like this ? " i loudly asked and tried to hold him up .

Without thinking of my injuries i tried my hardest to hold him up and put his arm around my neck and try to support him walk into the house .

We're both completely wet but who cares . I tried my best carry him upstairs to our room .

"Suho-ah please be okay ! " i said as i was reaching the door

I laid him down on the bed and take off his shirt and i quickly bring towel to wipe his body and face . I'm a bit embarrassed but i have no choice.

After done wiping i pulled the blanket to cover him and put my palm on his forehead to check his temperature. The temperature is quite high maybe it's already 40c .

I need to go downstairs to get warm water for him but when i was about to leave he grabbed my wrist . i turned to him with surpsied because i thought he has already completely passed out .

"Don't go don't leave me i will protect you don't worry !" he said with his weak voice and almost can't be hear but i heard it clearly .

I couldn't move not able to take step even my eyes is freezingly open widely because I'm  shocked with what he just said .

Is he talking to me ? or he is just dreaming about someone ? I used my other hand to take his hand off my wrist but

"Please i'm begging you Park Chorong !"

Sorry for late update ...~~ don't mind my vocab and grammar mistakes hope you understand and enjoy it...~~


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