~~Chapter 34~~

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"Oppa i saw you , wow your wife is quiet cute" krystal words hit Suho in the face

Suho stopped and turned around then spotted Krystal standing in front of the parking gate


"What's wrong?" Chorong asked in doubt

"Oh nothing let's go " Suho said then grabbed Chorong's wrist dragged her to the back stairs if they walked to the front stair people will see and suspect them

They arrived class at the same time teacher came back then they are frozen looking at each what if teacher asked why did they stand here together

"What are you guys doing here ? go in !" Teacher ordered , Then they quickly entered the class


"Teacher really happy today and forget about everything, he saw i and Suho in front the class but he didn't asked why we were together " as soon as i sat down i told Bomi

"That's a relief , if he ask he will ask until you have nothing more to say" Bomi said and smiled

"Okay everyone , our school earned honor because of all of you so for the reward we will bring you to field trip at gyeonggido congratulations " teacher said and smiled wide

"Wow yayyyyyyy hooooo " everyone screamed and clapped like crazy Then teacher raised his both hands as a sign to tell everyone stay calm that's not all

"We will be camping and exploring the nature together and this is a 2 days trip-" teacher were explaining but got cut off

"Wait a minute teacher but i heard that there is married couple in our class what if they do something bad there, who will take responsibility ?" student who sat in front of Bomi said

"are you crazy ? how can you believe in that lame rumor? " Bomi kicked his chair and yelled at him

"I'm just saying" he talked back

"Saying nonsense will cause trouble so shut up" Baekhyun added

Then he just shut up and turned his face to teacher

"I believed there is no married couple here and even if there is i know they won't do bad things so put that rumor away and discuss about our plan " teacher calmed everyone

"yes~~~" we replied

"Okay this is a free field trip like picnic so everyone you need to prepare everything . First let's set in group of 5 students and when we arrived there we will take everything and share it together " teacher explained then sehun quickly shouted

"Me , Suho hyung Baekhyun hyung Chorong noona Bomi noona one group " he stood up and shouted as if volcano is coming

"do you agree ? " teacher asked us

"Okay" then we nodded

"Good everyone let set your group. And all you need to prepare is foods , drinks and your own stuffs . The other thing we will take care of it .understand?" teacher said while smiling

"yes teacher" we answered

"Meet in front of school by tomorrow 5:30am in order to avoid traffic jams , get it?" teacher reminded us

"yes!" we replied

"Good" he smiled and said

Sorry for short Update , i'm freaking busy because of mama voting so please understand**


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