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Ophelia's POV

I walk around my house. Pacing to be precise. I can't believe that I messed up like that. Maybe they will leave me alone. Who am I kidding?! The beast cannot wait till he can get his hands on me.

I need to leave! I need a safe place but where? How can I leave this place, I have worked so hard for this! Why?! Why does he have to ruin this for me?!

Okay, Ophelia calm down! There is no certainty that he will take me. Maybe he will leave me alone. Maybe he has changed.
I cannot simply leave.

For once in my life people need me. For once I help instead of being the victim.

I can handle him. I took some material arts lessons and boxing.

I can defend myself perfectly now.

Why should I be scared?

Dennis's POV

I have everything I need. What is keeping me back?!

I will have her. She is mine, nobody can take her away from me.

Barry is begging me,crying and asking me not to take Ophelia away again.

But I need her.

She is the only thing that makes me feel loved.

I have an agreement with Barry. I can take over our sessions but I don't get to kidnap her. I stupidly agreed.

Patricia is ignoring me, probably sulking away because we found Ophelia again.

Is she jealous?

Or...Is she planning something without me?

I check my watch, noticing how late it has become.

I need to hurry.

I jog towards the gate, pry it open and haul a taxi.

I quietly sit in the back the only words coming from my mouth were "27 Kingcross street."
The driver begrudgingly nods and starts the car.

The car roars widely and jumps back to life, rattling noises and the engine is all that can be heard. These vehicles disgust me.

They look clean on the surface but these metal death chests are filled with germs and dirt.

I put my hands onto my lap and clean them with a paper towel. The driver casts a glance at me and raises his eyebrow which I return with a glare. He shuts up and drives.


I arrive at my destination and pay the driver who greedily takes the money and speeds off.

I dust my clothes off and clean my hands still holding the paper towel in my hand.

I open the door and walk inside, inhaling a vanilla scent.

I walk towards the door which belongs to Ophelia and knock.

It only took a few moments and I can hear the distinct noise of rattling keys. After that the door opens and there she is.

The beautiful Ophelia. I cannot take my eyes off her. Those curves and that dress, which hugs her body. And the way that she brings herself, with so much confidence. Last time, Barry kept me out so I could not see her.

But what has she become beautiful.


Hey guys! Sorry I was sick (still am) so I could not update but here is a new part!

I made a new cover!! What do you guys think of it??

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Have a lovely day/night!
With much love,

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