03. Going against his will

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Ophelia's POV

We arrive in what seems to be a storage room, he throws me forward and I smack against a shelf, I can almost see stars and am thrown off balance causing me to fall onto the ground and clutch my head in pain.

I groan and roll over.
"If you want to kill me Dennis, just do it. I don't like waiting and you obviously don't like me."

Dennis grabs his head in frustration.

"Why can't you be like the other two?! Why can't you uh
.. Just shut up and be scared?!"
He walks around in an irregular pace and seems to be mumbling something to someone else?

Suddenly his expression changes, his eyebrows furrow and his mouth changes stand.

"Ey, I will tell you a secret. I have red socks." He crouches down next to me and stares at me curiously.

"Ey, why are you laying on the ground? Et cetera?"

I chuckle.

"What's so funny? I also have blue socks."

"You are funny. If I may ask.. What is your name?"

I figured him out. He has a split personality. I always wanted to be a psychologist but well let's just say that it didn't happen. I did read a lot of books about it in advance so I know what I need to know to conclude that he has a split personality.

"Hedwig." He grins stupidly.

"Hello Hedwig. My name is Ophelia. How old are you?"

He laughs. "You ask a lot of questions et cetera. I am 9"


So we have Dennis with a cleaning disorder and Hedwig who's 9. I wonder how many personalities he has.

"Hedwig." I glance at him, not bothering to get up.


"How many buddies have you got in there?"

I had a little brother so I know how to handle smaller kids.

"Buddies? Oh chairs you mean! Well we got 23! But Miss Patricia and Mister Dennis say that I can't tell you more and that you are being nosy. Whatever nosy means.. I do have a nose!"

I keep staring at him. So 23.  They can all communicate. That can come in handy. So trying to pry will result in all personalities knowing what I am up to. I need to be careful with what I say.

Suddenly Hedwig's expression changes again and he brushes himself off and stand proudly.

"Stand up darling. Oh dear, Dennis was a bit rough I see. Don't worry! I will patch you up and make you look pretty again!"

We walk towards the kitchen and she tells me to sit down.

I wait patiently and a few moments later she returns and has Marcia with her. I wonder where Claire is?

Marcia sits down opposite of me and pleadingly looks at me.

She slams two plates onto table and I flinch.On the two plates are sandwiches. Her gaze lingers on me for a while and then she turns back and starts to make another pair of sandwiches. I don't know if I should eat it. What if it is drugged or poisoned?

"It's not poisoned dear, and it won't attack you." I must've been staring again.

Marcia is eating like her life depends on it.

I cautiously take a bite and it is pretty good.

She smiles.

"Good girls."

She turns around and starts making another sandwich.

Marcia signs to me that she wants to run and I shake my head no. She gets annoyed and ignores me.

She is ready to stand up when the lady slams her knife down.

"I need to do it again."

Marcia sighs in relieve and silently takes the chair and walks towards the lady.

She slams the chair against the lady and takes off running. She bends over in pain and I guess that Dennis takes over because his stance is totally different.

He glares at me. "Go to your room now. And uh... Don't leave!"

I run towards my room and go inside.

After a while Dennis enters my room.

"Your uh... shirt it's dirty take it off."

I don't want to take it off.

"What if I don't want to take it off?"

He glares at me and bellows
"Take it off!" I quickly follow his orders and take my shirt off, leaving me in a top which has  a low rise, revealing some old scars.

He sees them and curses.

"What uh.... What are those?" He asks.

"Hunting accident." I shrug.

"...." He stares at me and his eyes flicker a bit, showing me that inside his head is some turmoil.

"Did a uh... Animal do that?"

...What should I say? No I was hunting people and got stabbed?


Let him believe that it was an animal.

"Yes." I meekly respond.

He turns around and looks at me in astonishment.

"Uhh.. Okay." He grabs a tissue out of his pocket and opens the door with it.

"So you are not going to kill me huh?. Too bad, always wanted an awesome death."

Dennis looks at me in awe but quickly replaces it with a mask of anger.

"You are crazy."

I grin.

I may be crazy, some may say suicidal but for me this is adventure it has a certain thrill to it. I wonder what is coming next.



Before you say what's this?! Who would want to stay with him after the beast stuff! Well she doesn't know that yet!

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With much love,

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