04. making friends

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Ophelia's POV

Water all around me. It is suffocating me but in a sense I feel calm. Memories come rushing back to me.

I am in a chair in the air and below me is a tank of water. I can't move and they start lowering me towards the water. They only have one question.

"Who are you?"

At that time I didn't know. I screamed for help but nobody came. They tortured me, hurt me. All could have been prevented if I just answered that damn question!

This is all my mums fault.

She killed people for a living. Nobody knew about me, till she got a bullet through her head.

I got all psycho and decided to take revenge. It didn't turn out the way I wanted it to. They captured me and tortured me, till one day the police stormed in and took the bad guys away.

They left me in foster care but I was already too broken to fix. I hear voices, whispers. If I take my medication it's fine. I was stubborn, they already knew that I was a freak so why deny it. I mumbled to myself and they thought that I was the devils span. They set me out and there I was, on the streets, alone and a freak. Luckily I got a job and soon after an apartment.

I decided that I wanted to finish school and look where that got me.
One of the popular girls hosted a party for the entire female part of her class, including me. And then I got kidnapped.


I open my eyes and try to move, only there is one problem, someone is embracing me,preventing me from any further movement. I panic for a split second and throw myself off the bed.

The guy looks over to me and rubs his eyes.

"What-are y' doing there?" Hedwig mutters.

Then he completely wakes up and sees my confused expression.

He freezes and I stand up.

"What are you doing in my bed?"

"Well.. Miss Patricia said that you were talking in your s'eep and that I should keep you company et cetera."

I chuckle and sit down next to him.

"Well. If I tell you a little secret, will you tell me why we are here?"

He nods eagerly and smiles.

I move over towards his ear.

I tell him about the tank and he instantly sobers up.

"I need to get m'ster Dennis for this!"

"No-nono! First tell me why we are here!"

Hedwig turns back around.

"Well. He's coming and he does awful things to people and he will do awful things to the two girls."

Hedwig then quickly stands up and runs off, probably getting Dennis and leaving me alone.

After a while I start to feel why I love the company of people.

I constantly hear whispering because I am off my medication but I want human contact, I crave it.

Maybe I am a bit off my rockers but who isn't?

The door slams open and Dennis enters the room.

He looks disheveled and is looking around the room when his eyes land on me.

He lowers himself next to me and next thing I know engulfs me into a hug.

"You poor thing." Is this Patricia? But his stance says Dennis.

"Dennis?" He nods.


He looks into my eyes and sighs.

"You are pure."

"Pure? What is pure?"

He just keeps staring and puts a finger to his mouth motioning me to be silent.



I finally thought of how I want this book to end! ( it will not end in a long time don't worry!!)

I like the idea of two crazy heads being friends. How will people react to them? Can they handle one another that is why I chose to go this way!

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With much love,

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