16. recognitions

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Picture above is Ophelia!

Ophelia's POV

As a psychiatrist, I need to help whoever comes into that door. I have to help them with their broken lives but what if the person walking through those doors broke me? What if the only person who could break me is walking through those doors..

I have asked myself that question many times but now that awful question has become my reality.

Into those doors walks Kevin, to be more precise it is Barry.

He walks in with quite the attitude, giving away that he doesn't know who I am. What is to be expected? It has been 6 years after all, but I? I can never forget him, all those terrible nightmares keeping me up at night. The panic attacks if I think I see him but now, now that I finally see him again.. I can't seem to do anything. Fight, cry, scream? I want to do all of that but nothing comes out of my mouth, just silence.

I ask him some questions and give him tea, it is what I am supposed to do, but do I want to?

No. Never. But it is my job. I have to do it.

I am terrified, he wants me to help.. To understand him. But I can still see Marcia laying there, ripped apart. It's absolutely revolting and now I have to help him.

"So.. Barry." I spit.

"What do you want me to be for you?"

He raises his eyebrow but I feel such an anger. How can he even ask help?!

"What. Do . You . Want. Me . To. Do . For. You? Tell me."

"I want you to understand us..."

"Alright. Tell me a bit about your 'friends'"

He nods and sits up, proudly.

"Well I am Barry as you know, then there- I can also give you the file dr.Fletcher left?"

I nod eagerly, feeling the need to know everything about him. I impatiently click my fingers against the leather of the chair as he searches his bag for the file, then handing it over to me.

Even though I am still shaken, I accept the file and flip it through.

"I see."

"Mister Crumb did not have a pleasant youth did he? And that is why he got 'split'?"

Barry nods.

"Yes. That is true, all the quirks we have comes from Kevin's subcontious asking for it and actually creating a new person."

"That is so fascinating!"

We talk a bit after that and then our session is over and I lead him outside.

"Well, I'd love to see one of your designs next time Barry! Oh and don't forget to lock the gate!"

I am not supposed to know that.

I am not supposed to know that, oh no.

I quickly wave him goodbye and close the door.

My heart furiously beating against my chest.

I messed up.

Barry's POV

How did she know about the gate?

"Because uhh the woman you were talking to is Ophelia." Dennis.



Why didn't she tell me?

Oh of course....

I will never do anything to hurt her. If she is happy, I am happy.

Dennis's POV

I will get her back, even if I have to use force.


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Have a lovely day/night,
With much love,

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