Chapter 31- Telephone Calls

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Chapter 31


Date: November 3

Location: On route to O’Hare airport

Time: 3:32 p.m.


“We are not shoving it up my butt!” Jack screamed and I groaned and rubbed my head to stop the oncoming headache. “That is completely unsanitary.”

“But it will work.” Iris whined.

“Guys it’s not a weapon of mass destruction, it looks like an overgrown pen,” I said having heard enough of their complaints. “Security isn’t going to stop us.”

“But where’s the fun in that?” Matt asked jokingly.

After Valentin and I had exited the house with the money, passports and EHID in hand we decided to go to the airport instead going over another state. Chances are if Holly and Michael were on the search for us there wasn’t much chance of us being over cautious. If they were going to find us we would hopefully be too close for them to tuck tail and run or make a new battle plan.

God the thought of storming into Holly’s secret prison, lair or whatever she wants to call it was nerve wracking. Something was going to go wrong, I knew it but I didn’t know what was going to happen. That bothered me to no end but I pushed it aside to keep the others in check.

As for Valentin and I, well I didn’t know what was going on with us but it was nice to have someone comfort me during this time. We both didn’t know what was going to happen once we landed in Romania and we didn’t want to get any closer when there was a high chance one of us wasn’t going to come back. Talk about a tragic romance.

“We’re here,” Valentin said quietly as he parked in one of the many parking spaces the airport had to offer. We were being a little more discreet this time on how we ditched the car instead of leaving it in front of the drop off zone like we had done with John before.

We got out of the car and grabbed our belongings which consisted of a few backpacks and two duffels. The money was safely hidden in the duffels and I doubt that security would question the large amount of cash that was hidden in the clothes. Most of the time the person checking the luggage was bored to death and didn’t actually see what was going through, they probably wouldn’t even notice.

I grabbed my backpack which had a few t-shirts and a pair of shorts and a crappy old phone. The rest of my items had been left at the house which amazingly caught fire after the little incident. The firemen assumed that the bodies inside had been ours and didn’t go searching for us or question the empty bullet casings that were here and there. It was a shame to lose such a nice house especially when it held so many nice memories.

Everything seemed to happen in a blur and before I knew it the bus had dropped us off at the airport and we were standing in line to get our tickets. The woman wearing too much makeup behind the counter asked to see our passports and we showed them the fake ones I got from my house. They looked exactly like us so there was no need to put on a god awful wig or contacts. After undressing the guys one more time with her eyes she handed us our tickets and we headed towards security.

“Holy shit,” Jack whispered as we left the counter. “That was a ton of money.”

“We are going to a different country on short notice on first class.” Valentin said his anger at the new man starting to boil again. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it giving him a comforting smile and he visibly relaxed.

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