|| Fights ||

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Fighting with Aaron is something you hate doing because there is no real reason for your fighting other than loneliness and stress, You feel like you never see Aaron as much as you used to and Aaron just feels a lot stress with everything going on. So every now and then you'll both clear your schedules and spend the day in each others arms.


Your fights with Roy are rare but explosive, he goes into bitchy Bianca mode and can say some pretty scathing things but when he knows he gone too far he will quickly apologize although you know he didn't actually mean any of the things he says.


Danny and you fight over the most stupid things like what to watch on netflix or who ate something out of the fridge the other had been wanting to eat. The two of you bitch at each other for a while until you eventually forget what you were fighting about in the first place.


You and Shane mostly fight because of his ego, you hate his attitude when he starts to get big headed and you let him know it which is why you two fight so often, you both love each other to death but sometimes he gets a little too much.


When fighting with Justin it consists of the both of you crying your eyes out whilst throwing every mean thing at each other until you can't talk any more and just ignore each other until one of you lets it go and the other quickly apologizes too.


Brian hates fighting with you so when you have something you are upset about he kisses your cheek gently as he's running away before you can catch him, he will do anything to avoid fight and confrontation. Most times he just stands there like a deer in the headlights with his mouth opening and closing with no words coming out of them.


You and Sutan hard ever fight, there are a few times where you've raised your voices but nothing more than that. The two are you are so perfectly in sync that you just get each other and you both love to keep the peace.


When arguing with Matt it's usually just you calling him out on a lot of bullshit and him mostly rolling his eyes or ignoring you completely, honestly at times he's so quiet you think he may have fallen asleep he's just very... Flasé dah.

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