Chapter Eight

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i get woken up with a gasp and and squeeze my eyes shut, gripping the sheets of the bed around me and biting my lip. what's going on? my eyes feel like someone set fire to them, my wrist feel like they're getting stabbed, and my lungs hurt. i can barely breath. the more i struggle, the more it makes me mad and i loose more air.  i force my eyes opens and let out a scream of pain, bringing my hands to my eyes and falling out of the bed.

"Little Flower?" i kick at the base of the bed to get Jacks attention, hearing footsteps and my body getting lifted off the ground.

"Alice, what's wrong?" i bring my hands to Jacks shoulders and slide them up to his neck, pulling his head down till its touching mine.

"i-i-i......b-bre..ath..." "you can't breath?" i nod and grip the back of Jacks hair as the pain gross, me grinding my teeth together and letting my hands go limp as the pain goes away. it just suddenly...stopped.

"are you ok?" i nod and hold Jack close to me as i tremble violently.

"oh, gosh flower. " it felt like i was about to die. like someone was squeezing the life out of me.

"Jack...what was that?" "i don't know. but don't do it again." Jack holds me tighter with his long arms and i let my body relax as Jack lays me back on my bed.

"open your eyes." i shake my head and feel Jack stroke his thumb under and the side of my eyes, me giving in and slowly letting my eyes open. i look into Jacks and his eyes burst with amazement, moving closer to my face.

"Uh, Jack-" "your eyes...." he moves closer so the tip of his swirlly nose is touching mine. he's starting to freak me out.

"they're purple." i sit up and run over to the bathroom, ignoring Jack as he curses many times because i hit his nose with my forehead.

but, he's right. my eyes are purple. a bright saphire purple.

"what the living hell!" i squeeze my eyes shut and open them again, groaning. sill purple.

"if you ask me," i look up at the door way as Jack leans against the door frame while wiggling his nose.

"i, think is kind of cute." i smile slightly and Jacks eyes widen.

"" Jack runs over to me and i shoot back in panic, him sitting on my wait and holding my wrist above my head.

"open your mouth." "what?" "Just do it!" i open my mouth and Jack picks me up, running out of the room.

"Jack-Jack, where are we going!" he runs up the second stair case and runs down slendys hall, pushing open his doors and setting me on his desk.

"Jack, what have i told you-" "shut up and look at your kids eyes!" i look at Slendy. kid? Slendy waves it off and tilt my head up, looking at Jack.

"what syringe did you give her?" Jack sighs. "um, i don't know. the orange one."

"Jack, i said the green one! the orange one has great defects! i can't even use it! its for Jeff only!" Slendy taps my jaw and i open my mouth, him sighing.

"if this doesn't where off in the next few days, ill explain to you then. but for now, just...keep calm with it." i nod and look at Jack. "so, really, Jack could have killed me?" Jack sends me a glare.

"well, yes. that's why your wrist hurts because we had to inject the syring into them. the basics are your eyes will change color on your mood, you have fangs witch.....bewilders me because i have never seen this happen. but, if this doesn't wear off in a few days, i will tell you everything you need yo know. but for now, let me do some research on this." Slender picks me up and sets me on the ground, Jack putting his hand on my lower back and guiding me out of the room.

"thanks for almost killing me, Jack." Jack doesn't say anything and we walk out to the second stair case, Jack stopping.

"go hang out with Jeff and E.J." "E.j?" Jack sighs.

"eyeless Jack. but i need to talk to slender." i nod and Jack pushes me down the stairs, someone catching me and running.


A Bloody Rose from a Swirl coned noseWhere stories live. Discover now